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3 Mistakes that Can Kill Your Sales Copy

Under make money

Are you having difficulty with conversions in your copywriting? You’re probably making copywriting mistakes that can be easily taken care of. So, we can help eliminate some of these mistakes in your copy so that will be just one less thing that will hurt you. For example if your product solves problems related to AffiloJetpack Bonuses Page, then make sure you mention the how and why in bullet points.

A simple mistake but one that is important not to make is not learning about the core details of the product they are writing about. If you don’t have a lot of knowledge about the product you will have a hard time trying to convince people to buy it. Your prospect would easily read through you and know that you don’t know much about the product. Your conversion rate will suffer and so will your profit margin. So always remember to know everything about the product you’re writing about, right from the benefits to the features. Once you know the product completely you will be able to use creativity to illustrate the better points. If you are very certain about these points you can easily be clear with your selling and give the customer a fair view of the product.

Powerful testimonials are essential to copy that converts well, so don’t make the mistake of presenting them in a poor or ineffective manner. Remember that people buy on impulse and they buy for emotional reasons. Social proof is what testimonials are all about because they help to allay the fears in your potential customers about you and your product. If you don’t have testimonials, you really need to get some because they’ll help you to create almost instant trust and some rapport with your site or blog visitors. All other things being the same, the difference between trusting visitors and non-trusting visitors is seen in your conversion rates and sales figures. You have to be careful about getting permission, but sometimes it’s possible to find testimonials from experts on your market or product. For instance, if you’re writing a sales copy for selling a product related to AffiloJetpack, try to create a simple story around it, so that the prospect easily understands and gets convinced.

How would you like to read a sales copy that reads like a high school essay? You must make your sales copy very easy to digest and absorb without all the polysyllabic words hardly anyone knows. Always use benefit bullets in your copy after you introduce your product, and that’s why we talked about benefits vs. features. The reason for benefit bullets is they allow for rapid skimming and scanning, and well-written bullets can be extremely effective with closing sales. Plus they make effective use of white space, they’ll open up a lot of white space which is important. There’s an expression in copywriting called, “the black wall of text” effect, and so white space helps reduce that. If you can just learn what the most common mistakes are, and then do all you can to avoid them you’ll be writing better copy. Always focus on your practice, and soon you’ll realize that you’re making fewer mistakes. Let’s your product is about internet marketing blog, and the price is $50 – this has to be clearly shown in your sales copy where it can be seen.

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