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300% and counting… Facebook Ads are still to gain market share

Under make money

Facebook open offices oecumenical has doubled the number of sales between 2008 to 2009. VP external Sales: Facebook ad campaign necessary part

Everyone in the online world knows that Facebook is big and getting bigger but not a lot still understand how big they becoming.

Every guy i know start moving advertising budgets from Google and Yahoo to Facebook.

Even us at new york towing are starting to think nigh putting some ads in Facebook, our only dilema is that we don’t know how many users will look for    roadside assistance  and Emergency Towing Services using social networks.

Never the less Facebook had an awe-inspiring a year and they do have a lot of reasons to festivitys. 

Celebration Social advertising: Facebook, the world’s largest social network, says its number of advertisers has increased by four since the beginning of 2009; today reported Bloomberg news ways. 
According to the report, in 2009 the number of people in the company’s sales doubled compared to 2008, new offices opened around the world. “We are a very good position when people leave the current economic situation,” Bloomberg said Mike spud, vice president of international sales Facebook. “We became a necessary part of any marketing campaign.” 
Between clients and Facebook, its already half a billion users, are now huge companies like Procter & Gamble, Tos R SS, Virgin America and Adidas, the company overtook Yahoo as the superlative show ads with a market take off of 16% (compared with 12% Yahoo) .

Having said that I still doesn’t think that Facebook are even close to visit up on Google (Advertising wise) and still as far as local depend which is the most ontogeny search vertical in the world.

Facebook is not a rival to Google or even Bing and Yahoo.


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