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Automating The Process Of Announcing Your Blog Or Website Updates

Under SEO

When it comes to notifying the updates in the blogs and websites to the online world, there are countless numbers of options. Among all the options available out there, social bookmarking is an excellent one. Social bookmarking has been used as a great tool for search engine optimization because the updates that are posted will get crawled by Google immediately. Social bookmarking option will also bring huge targeted traffic to the website. Unfortunately social bookmarking is not that easy as it seems. This process of bookmarking the updates in the popular user rated news sites is very much time consuming. This is where the automated social bookmarking comes in handy. This technology of automated social bookmarking is on its starting stages and obviously one a very few, countable number of user rated news sites have added this feature. In fact only one site called “Ready2Beat” has successfully integrated a fully working automated social bookmarking feature.

The Use Of Auto Bookmarking

Bookmarking the updates in your website or blog to the user-rated news sites is indispensable for increasing the targeted traffic to your website. However, it will be tiresome and time consuming to visit the user-rated news sites each time and post the updates. In the case of the automated social bookmarking, once you complete the one time initial setup, your updates in the websites will be bookmarked in the news site instantly. This will help you to announce the updates in your blog or website, the moment it happens.

How Easy Is Automated Social Bookmarking

The only difficulty is to find the social bookmarking sites that offer the automated bookmarking feature. As there are not many social bookmarking sites out there you will have a hard time in finding them. It will be like “searching for a needle in a digital haystack of data”. Once you find the social bookmarking site with the automated bookmarking feature, the setup will be pretty simple. All you will have to do is to provide your website’s or blog’s RSS feed url. In most cases you will have to add a simple code to your website. The code will be provided by the social bookmarking website for authentication. Once this is done, you don’t have to revisit the social bookmarking site for posting the updates. The updates in your site will be automatically posted to the social bookmarking site where you have done the initial setup. As this is done through RSS feeds, the updates will be posted instantly. To the added advantage the automated social bookmarking feature made available in the popular user rated news sites such as ready2beat will grab an image along with a few sentences about the update in your website.

This all new technology of automated social bookmarking has a very promising future. This is one of the easiest ways to automate the social bookmarking to atleast a very few popular sites.

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