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Building Business Credit Scores

Under make money

For one to be able to get advantage of many financing offers by several lenders, having a good credit score is a must. If you have 1 handy, this will allow you to get a good amount with reduced interest rates, with flexible payment terms. But acquiring your score in business credit is no easy task to accomplish.

If you just have started generating your business credit when you set up your business venture, then it’s quite easy to get a good rating within 1 to 2 years of its operation.

This is not the case, even so, when you have a bad credit rating. You have 2 options to do such as fixing the problems related to your bad credit or hire somebody who can do that for you in no time. Only when you fix your business credit score can you start to build it up.

But before you can actually start building business credit scores, you need to have a credit identity first. This can be done by putting up your business as a corporation or an LLC. These two are perfect statuses to start your business credit. Since most financial lenders are eyeing clients in corporation or LLC, having your business as 1 will allow you to get a loan faster than any business enterprise.

You also need to set up a credit record with a credit agency, or Paydex. Credit agencies will always keep track of your credit transactions, rate them and give them scores. This will be used to determine how good your credit score is when a financial institution does a credit check.

Paydex scores by major companies like Dun and Bradstreet will keep records on how well your company is paying your credit bills. The credit score ranges from  to 100 – the higher the score, the bigger the probability your loan will get permitted.

Now that you have established your credit identity, you need to apply for a loan before you can actually start building your business credit scores. 1st, you can choose either a secured loan, where the lender will ask you to pledge assets or properties as collateral which will serve as security for the loan. Note that this kind of loan will let you borrow a much larger amount (depending on your collateral), and a much reduced interest rate.

Another type of loan is the unsecured loan, which is excellent for those who don’t want to put their assets at risk by setting it up as collateral. Given that the risk to the lender is higher compared to unsecured loans, the financial institution might be really strict with its application, coupled with a higher interest rate and payment schemes.

Next is the type of credit you want to be used in your business venture. Below are the most common credits you can bring out in any lender in your area:

1. Business credit card

Quite separate from a personal credit card, this type of credit is far more beneficial to be used in business ventures due to its decreased APR, and versatile interest rates (depending on the amount used within the month).

2.Short/Long Term Loans

These kinds of loans allow you to borrow a fixed amount of money from the lender to be used in any way you hope. Attached with fixed interests with payment terms ranging from 5 to 10 years based on the amount borrowed.

3. Lines of Credit (LOC)

Lines of credits are more for business who are into operation 2 years or more. Credit lines literally allows you to have a fixed amount of credit in the bank, which can be used to pay for unexpected expenses which crop up throughout the operation of your business. The interest expense will depend on the principal amount you have left, and will reduce as you pay your debt till it reaches zero.

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