Building One Way Backlinks Has Evolved And Changed Have You
Building links was all about simply obtaining a backlink and that was it. It did not really matter how or from where; therefore long as you were obtaining them you were golden. That was a while ago, and as with everything on the net things quickly evolved. Some years ago, link farms were all the fashion, in fact they weren’t referred to as link farms back then. They worked fine, till webmasters found a manner to abuse the system and get thousands of links from them overnight. Once that came the link directories, which unlike link farms were a little more sophisticated and organized.
Link directories are a great manner to urge your homepage spidered quickly, perhaps even grab a visitor or 2 if the Directory is of high quality and your link is very attractive. The effectiveness of link directories has dwindled dramatically due to the various automated software systems and sites that’ll submit your link to thousands of them overnight. It’s just not what SE’s would decision a high quality link…
Simply recently, link exchanges or reciprocal link building sites and programs were all the rage. Provide me a link and I will give you one right back. When the SE’s caught on to them, they evolved into 3 means link exchanges, I will give you a link, you provide them a link and they’ll provide me a link. Seemed like the perfect answer, and to the current day still works quite well to get links to your Homepage…
All of these systems have three inherent problems within the eyes of the Search Engines:
1. They create links to your homepage only 2. They’re systems easily manipulated by the webmasters 3. They supply terribly very little price, if any, to the end user, during this case the visitor
It absolutely was inevitable that, eventually, the Search Engine’s would have to do something about this; they would have to notice a higher way to qualify, justify and rank backlinks. When all, links are the backbone of the internet. The result of this changed the means the Major Search Engines take a look at the links on your pages and additional importantly, the backlinks pointing to your pages.
They took a 180 degree turn altogether!
Instead of wanting at the way the webmaster had optimized their web site or what links were coming and going, the Search Engine’s turned their focus to what the end users’ behavior was when clicking on or following those links!
The main indicator of quality, relevancy and validity of the links currently lies in the top users behavior. When looked at from the Search Engines’ purpose of read, this makes perfect sense.
Here’s the logic behind the madness and why the SE’s trust this data way a lot of :)
To start with, the webmaster has little to no management over the top users actions, so this is terribly unbiased and raw feedback. Let’s walk through a typical scenario.
A visitor is on your website, maybe the homepage or even an inner page, they’re fascinated by the content on your website and that they spy a link that catches their eye they click on the link and it takes them to a different page…
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