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Business The Plan For The Shop Internet

Under Internet Marketing

The expenses connected with working out, promotion and Internet shop start are considerable. At first sight, it is the basic article of expenses at the organisation of similar business. But it is only at first, most superficial and incompetent sight. Actually, expenses, and more considerable, are carried out at a stage of working out of the project of the Internet – shop. First of all, it is the expenses connected with the analysis of the consumer market.

At first it is necessary to estimate a consumer audience of the new Internet – shop. The analysis will be estimated in this case by results of the researches spent with application of following methods: forecasting, that is a scientific prediction of demand of target audience on these or those goods, and the given every possible interrogations and questioning of consumer expectations and preferences. By the way, the last are not always identical to demand as that the person wants and can buy – frequently absolutely different things. Being based on the given sociological and statistical researches, daily number of users of sector of the Internet is some millions persons. We will assume that approximately 50 % from among these users can become clients created by the businessman the Internet – shop. Businessmen, with a view of expansion of volumes of the activity are ready to try a kind of trade new to them.

Basically, at the majority of manufacturers, it goes to parallels with traditional trade, that is through usual shops, in their understanding habitual for us. Besides, for sales some to such way (the Internet – shops) is possibility to estimate inquiries and preferences of buyers, so-called “venture business”, “feeler”. Usually given strategy is applied to studying of demand for the goods – novelties, as a rule, for hi-tech production and services. But there is also one more tendency. A number of businessmen will be organised by sales only on the Internet – platforms, creating the Internet – business not throughout and development of a network of real shops and the organisations, and as the independent, separate subject, as “business from zero”. In this case it is possible to speak about the Internet shop “in the pure state”. So, strategy is developed, the audience of buyers more or is less is depicted, the variant of creation the Internet – shop is defined.

At once we will make a reservation, now we will consider those the Internet – shops which operate according to the legislation, realise the goods resolved by the law to sale, quality and which social importance corresponds to standards operating in our country and restrictions. The Internet – shops extending “piracy” production have own “strategy of sales”. The given activity here will not be described. The Internet – shop in the pure state, contrary to established opinion, it is no “easy and simple”. At all obvious pluses the thought over planning of expenses and expenses, nevertheless, is necessary. The expenses which are carried out by traditional trading organisations are not present at virtual shops – it is a myth. This opinion is true only partly. And – enough small part.

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