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Can You Really Make Money Taking Surveys?

Under make money

It is a known fact that different companies commission different surveys for different reasons. Some companies use surveys to isolate their market while others use surveys to predict how their newly launched products will fare in the shelves.

It can be used so that a company finds out which market it actually sells more of its products to or find out how their new products will be accepted by consumers.

Answering surveys have become a kind of cottage industry among those who want to earn a little more on the side. A number of websites invite individuals to make money by taking surveys.

You may only earn as much as $50 to $100 with other freebies in a month, but that’s enough to give some extra cash on the side.

Most people who want to make money taking surveys sign up with as many survey sites that they can get their hands on so that they get more chances of answering surveys than one usually does when one only registers to one website.

A word of caution, most survey site will ask users to include their personal and demographic information.

The first step to landing a survey that pays is to be selected as a panel member. When you finally get to that stage, you will then have to take a short survey that will be used to find out whether or not you are eligible to take the actual survey.

When you pass that test, you will then be able to answer a lengthier survey for which you will be compensated.

Compensations differ according to the company that asks for that survey to be conducted. Generous companies will pay their respondents $15 while other would pay as low as a dollar.

The most popular system is to enter respondents in a kind of sweepstakes where they stand a chance to win something really fancy. Others send in complimentary products.

This very unique money making scheme only highlights that even though the economy is in some sort of a phase right now and money is pretty tight, the internet still has a number of opportunities to allow anyone to earn some extra cash on the side.

The best thing about this is that you feel like getting paid to do nothing.

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