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Archive for the ‘SEO’ Category

Search Engine Optimisation Guidelines – We Clarify The Best Line Of Attack To Optimising Your New Site.

By Money Making Expert On June 27, 2010 Comments Off on Search Engine Optimisation Guidelines – We Clarify The Best Line Of Attack To Optimising Your New Site.

Many people see web design and website optimisation as two unrelated factors that they need to address one by one. This couldnt really be further from the truth, but the simple fact is that many web designers unfortunately do not know the first thing about SEO Services. This is a major issue that most likely costs UK businesses hundereds of thousands of pounds each year, instead of keyword research being carried out proir to commencing the site construction, and the website being build around a strong base of highly relevant keyword that carry great levels of trafic. The website is simply hashed together SEO wise, often with keywords that are simply pulled from the top of the designers head in the meta and header tags and with no relevence to the rest of the content on the page.

The client then recieves his “finished website” and more often than not is totally happy as most people dont generally know too much about on page SEO. If you are really unlucky your finished website might even include such SEO horrors as javascript or flash navigation. Ofcourse once the client has his or her new website and starts to look at improving the sites rankings to achieve first page positions in Google and approaches a professional SEO Services company, then the truth is laid bare. The client then really has two choices, either pay for the web designers incompetence to be repaired, or to live with the fact that their high-priced website is infact nothing more than a overvalued business card that due to its lack of ability to rank for worthwhile search phrases, only existing customers are really ever going to see.

The above ofcourse is a worst case scenario, but it does happen very often. There are thankfully many web designers who do know what they are doing regarding Search engine optimization but be very precautious, because there are even more who will tell you that the know what SEO is about only to then present you with a website that is full of canonicalization issues. Diligence is really the key when picking your web designer, ofcourse design is important, but is it so important that you would sacrifice the possibility that anyone is ever going to see it? Probably not. My advice regarding picking a web designer is initially to try and find a web designer that also provides SEO services, I am not talking about someone who is essentially a web designer that also builds a few links here and there, but a company that are an established name in the SEO world with a proven record of attaining first page results. Many of the UK’s leading SEO companies also provide web design services, and you can be sure that your finished website will be just that, without having to worry about recieving a huge bill for on page corrective work, you might even get an all inclusive deal with a few months of link building included depending on who you go with.

Check out helpful knowledge in the sphere of one way links – make sure to study this publication. The time has come when concise info is truly within your reach, use this possibility.

You Should Get Additional Revenue In Copywriting.

By Money Making Expert On June 26, 2010 Comments Off on You Should Get Additional Revenue In Copywriting.

I stumbled on this website quite by chance, but at the same time I think that randomness might be there only at first glance. I’m sure that my fate keeps on helping me. Since childhood, I began to write poems and songs. I was inspired by everything around me. And I kept on telling everybody that I required writing more and more. So it was obvious that I required a creative profession.

But my life couldn’t stop and wait for me. And to my great regret perhaps because of the lack of foresight, my “rational” calculations and most probably some pressure from my parents, I got two degrees of completely an uncreative profile. I work for a private office for an ordinary salary and most importantly with the rank and file recognition from the people.

Only now it’s absolutely clear that success can be only achieved in such a field where you have the ability and desire first of all. I mean that in this case you should think not just about earnings but about the process. This should be your natural desire to get involved into a particular creative activity. You soul should demand it indeed.

I should confess that I’m crazy with writing. I really can write on different topics and about different events. From my point of view it’s too late for me to change the specialty. Though of course if such a possibility appeared then I would at least try it.

It goes without saying that money will be always required especially during recessions and nobody is going to deny this vital principle of our human life. But you should keep in mind that you shouldn’t think about cash especially when you write articles. Just write for yourself, write for people and I’m sure that your efforts will be appreciated. I’m assured that your personal growth and recognition are much than wealth. Thus, when working in the creative way you can get definitely more. In fact if you succeed with selling your articles this will mean the official recognition of your advanced aptitudes in the sphere of copywriting. It goes without saying that it’s going to be the impetus to the further development. I don’t doubt that you dream about an opportunity to develop your personality. It’s known that self development can solve your current problems quite successfully. If there are certain obstacles on your way then correspondently you should develop your personality in such a way enabling you to go ahead without heavy losses. This refers to copywriting too. So you should be ready for your hard working in this sphere. Be patient until you’ll get required skills. Then certainly the era of your profits will come I’m sure.

Currently world crisis has led to loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them refer to Internet as the way to make money. And this is a really unique chance to make one’s living. If you have no business idea or you search for something to start from, try article distribution.

If you are good at article writing, it can change into your regular job. Fortunately the web technologies offer many opportunities to earn. Use Google and other search engines to search for “article submission“. You will discover many sites accepting and even paying for article submission.

Visit social networks and forums and look through topics which are relevant to this. It is also recommended to sign up for the RSS on this blog because it will allow to be well informed about the latest news and opportunities in respect of “article submit” topic. Don’t lose this chance to fight bad times.

Should You Write Or Not?

By Money Making Expert On June 25, 2010 Comments Off on Should You Write Or Not?

“I have written an article and submitted it successfully on the content exchange, but it hasn’t been sold yet. What should I do? “. Most probably that you’ve already read such complaints on the net thousands times. To my great regret the number of such complaints isn’t going to decline in the nearer future. And there’s no wonder about it because as you know it’s rather difficult to become an experienced specialist in any field because adequate efforts should be applied of course.

First of all you shouldn’t panic and do not make hasty conclusions. You have just written one article and think that it’s going to be bought very soon. Of course this might happen and at the same time your article might be ignored, God only knows. But you really hope that the result will appear immediately. For example I had to wait for several months to sell my articles.

You should analyze whether your price is too high or not. Perhaps the title isn’t attractive enough. I don’t advise you to revise your written stuff in the evening or at night when you are tired. From my point of view you’d better do it in the morning.

Of course I should answer the main question whether it’s a worthy thing for you to write articles or not. In this case my answer is very simple, certainly you should write if you want to earn money this way. Perhaps there’s something on your way which greatly disturbs you. I’m sure that only own disorganization is this obstacle on your way. Perhaps you should try rewriting. If you post at least a dozen articles on the content exchange then most probably your chances of selling them successfully will increase by 10 times in my opinion. And it’s so obvious.

By the way you should make sure that the topic of your article is in a great demand, otherwise you are just doing a worthless job. Perhaps you should write an article on another subject. It goes without saying that you should find out what topics are currently in Top of the hottest ones and correspondently write in accordance with it.

The most important thing in this case is to sell at least one article. Of course you should believe in your real potential. But if your article has been just bought you shouldn’t relax any way. On the contrary you should be ready for another fight to my mind. You shouldn’t lose this impulse of energy. While you still have it you can do everything! Do your best to be flexible and you’ll win any way in this field. I really don’t doubt that you’ll succeed in copywriting very soon. I wish you luck with your articles.

Nowadays economic recession has resulted in loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them refer to Internet as the way to make money. And this is a truly unique chance to earn one’s living. If you have no business idea or you search for something to start from, try article promotion.

If you are good at article writing, it can turn into your regular job. It is fortunate that the web technologies offer many opportunities to earn. Make use of Google and other search engines to search for “article submission“. You will find many sites accepting and even paying for article submission.

Visit social networks and forums and check topics which are relevant to this. It is also useful to sign up for the RSS on this blog because it will allow to be well informed about the latest news and opportunities in respect of “article submit” topic. Don’t lose this chance to fight bad times.

Some Disadvantages Of SEO Copywriting.

By Money Making Expert On June 25, 2010 Comments Off on Some Disadvantages Of SEO Copywriting.

In my previous articles I faced the question of SEO copywriting. As you remember I praised its evident advantages. Now it’s high time to illustrate its disadvantages which aren’t less evident unfortunately. So you as a copywriter should also take into consideration these disadvantages.

I should say that in most cases SEO copywriting only works for those searches that are not highly competitive such as those search words, which are used by many people to improve the search ranking of their websites. The most competitive are queries on topics casinos, sex, insurance, health, hotel booking and so on. Too many people struggle for high performance using these words. Correspondently this leads to the necessity of using more effective methods of promotion.

Of course you should take into account a possibility to use SEO copywriting. The matter is that not all websites are suited for SEO copywriting. Many web pages simply do not contain a sufficient amount of text and its increase could damage the design or the main concept of the site. Moreover, creators of sites with a sufficient amount of text, do not want to be forced to change the text on their pages only for the sake of web optimization.

Of course I can’t pass by such an essential factor as cost. If you want to limit the number of search words then it will be rather time-consuming for you. The work of professional SEO copywriters is considered to be rather expensive and therefore the cost of each page is quite high to my great regret. Since a page can contain only one or two search words, you will require changing a great number of pages in order to use all necessary search words. It’s rather tiresome isn’t it?

And what about attachment to the optimizer? What might happen if a particular site owner decides to change the text on the page already processed by a professional SEO copywriter? This can not be made without prejudice rather than an expensive work on web optimization that will result in downgrading from my point of view. By the way sometimes web optimization should be redone once again because satisfactory results can’t be guaranteed from the very beginning unfortunately. Are you ready to try this once again? God only knows, perhaps you are patient enough to overcome obstacles on your way.

If the page has been successfully optimized using SEO copywriting and it is in the top ten search results using targeted queries, then I can say that you’ve shelled out your heard earned money in the right way to your great luck. But if someone else decides to optimize the page of another site using the same search query then it’s another matter. If this optimization is successful and the page gets into the top of ten search results, the page at number 10 will be the page numbered 11 and will be already on the 2nd page of search results. As you can see there’s much to think about for you as a copywriter.

Currently economic recession has resulted in loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them refer to Internet as the way to make money. And this is a really unique chance to earn one’s living. If you have no business idea or you are looking for something to start from, try article promotion.

If you are good at article writing, it can turn into your regular job. Luckily the Internet technologies offer many places to earn. Make use of Google and other search engines to look for “submit articles“. You will discover many sites accepting and even paying for article submission.

Visit various social networks and forums and look through topics which are relevant to this. It is also recommended to subscribe to the RSS feed on this blog since it will allow to keep track of the latest news and opportunities in respect of “article submit” topic. Don’t lose this chance to fight bad times.

Talking About Texts For Free Sale.

By Money Making Expert On June 25, 2010 Comments Off on Talking About Texts For Free Sale.

Hi, I’d like to talk about copywriting right now. This topic is considered to be one of the most frequently discussed ways of making money online. That’s why people aren’t tired of discussing this it all the time. In fact you can come across many guys on the net who are concerned with making money but because of some reasons they haven’t managed to succeed in making commercial websites and affiliate marketing. Then copywriting might be their last chance.

From my point of view every copywriter certainly appreciates his work. When writing text for free sale, we choose topics which are very close to us and we are in high spirits when we are in the process of writing them. We simply put a piece of our soul in the article in this case. Of course when having written these articles you definitely expose them free sale and correspondently you are ready to wait for a buyer. In fact I don’t doubt that you are patient enough to wait as long as required to sell your articles. But to my great regret copywriters often have to wait or a week or two, a month and even longer. Time is running out and our balance reflected in the right corner of the site remains unchanged.

But do not forget that you exist apart from thousands of other copywriters who are also highly motivated in this field just like you. As you do, they also write tons of articles several times a week and then every day. They write a line by line and in general they give the site a few hundred texts a day according to my approximate estimation.

Having taken into consideration this gloomy statistics mentioned above I have decided to invest a little in this difficult but at the same time extremely absorbing work. Personally, I regard job based on writing copies as a sort of business, which requires not only strength and patience, but also investment. So as follows from this you can’t do without advertisements in copywriting and I tell you this seriously. Just let me share my experience with you. For example by placing my advertisement, I immediately got the first buyer that insanely inspired me to write even more new and interesting articles.

Of course you can write dozens, hundreds of texts by choosing one or more categories and then wait. And this is also true in my opinion. In fact there are so many ways enabling us to promote our articles and it goes without saying that we are all free to choose our own path to gain success. Above all, do not forget about the effectiveness of various marketing tools are considered to be really time-tested. I wish you luck in this sphere.

These days economic recession has resulted in loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them refer to Internet as the way to earn money. And this is a truly unique opportunity to earn one’s living. If you have no business idea or you search for something to start from, try article distribution.

If you are good at article writing, it can change into your regular job. It is fortunate that the online technologies offer many possibilities to earn. Make use of Google and other search engines to look for “submit articles“. You will find many sites accepting and even paying for article submission.

Check out various social networks and forums and check topics which are related to this. It is also useful to subscribe to the RSS feed on this blog because it will allow to keep track of the latest news and opportunities in respect of “article submit” topic. Don’t lose this chance to fight bad times.