Complete Link Building Strategies
Link building is essential for ranking the site on the search engine. The page ranking on the search engine is influenced by the number of backlinks to the site. The higher the amount of backlinks pointing to the site, the higher chances it will rank on the search engine. There are plenty of ways to build the backlinks of a website.
Build a Rich Content Site
First of all, you should build a site that is rich in content. Instead of creating a site with a broad scope, it should focus on a certain niche such as free laptop for students. After the site is uploaded, you can find links to it. You can contact other sites in the same niche and ask them to exchange link with you. If your site is content rich and informational, people will want to exchange link with you.
Get Your Site Listed in Yahoo! Directory
You can get your site listed at the Yahoo directory. The listing fee at Yahoo directory is $299 per year. Though Yahoo directory offers free submission, the sites in the queue has low chances of getting reviewed because of the large amount of submission. It is better to spend money buying an inclusion in the Yahoo directory instead of having to waiting for a long time. To shorten the approval time, you should narrow to the most relevant category. The title and description of the site should not be stuffed with too many keywords or contain promotional words.
Get Your Site Listed in Dmoz Directory
The Dmoz directory is the most respected directory on the internet. If your site is listed in Dmoz, you will see a significant boost in the search engine result. Before submitting the site to Dmoz, make sure you read the submission guidelines. The title should be the official title of the home page or company name. The description consists of one or two sentences that describe the content of the site.
Build another Site on the Same Niche and Cross Link Them
After that, you can build another site that focus on the same niche but aim on different keyword. When you are done, you can cross link between the two sites. For the best result, the two sites should be hosted in separate server with different C Class IP. In this way, Google will not be able to detect that treat the two sites as developed by different individuals and not the same person. You can create as many websites as you want and cross link between them.
Take Advantage of Free Blog Host Sites
Another method is to blog on free blog host sites. There are several blog hosting sites which allows you to create new blogs including,,,, and etc. You can find a large list of free blog host sites by searching for the keyword “free blog host” in the search engine such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. For each blog, you can write a few informational posts and include the link to your site. It is better to update the blog once in a while so that it will appear natural to the search engine. Besides promoting your site, you can write other posts. In this way, the visitors will not get an impression that you created the blog for self promotion purposes.
User Videos to Build Backlinks to your Site
Video is a great link building strategy to implement for site promotion. You can create a funny video to attract the attention of viewers. The higher views your video gets, the higher it will rank on the search engine. In the description section, you can enter a short description of the video and the web address of your site. After uploading the video on the sites, you can share it with your friends, family and relatives. Later, they can forward it to other people. Soon more and more people will know about your video. Some of the popular video hosting sites include ExpoTV,, Hulu, Facebook, YouTube, Imeem, Google Video, When your video has an enormous amount of views, you will receive much referral traffic which will lead to a higher conversion rate.
Submit Your Site to Free Web Directories
You can submit the site to web directories. Before submitting to the directories, you can prepare the titles, keywords and descriptions. You should create a few variation of the titles, and descriptions to avoid duplication problem. If you use the same titles and descriptions, the search engine will know that it is submitted by the one person. To lower the suspicion, you can create 4 -5 variations of the titles and descriptions. It is best if you can write a unique title and description for each site. Since there are thousands of directories, you’ll want to consider outsourcing the work to a SEO company. Before buying a submission service, you should read reviews and do price comparison between different SEO company. The SEO company should have a good feedback history. In addition, it should offer a money back guarantee so that they can refund the payment in case you are not satisfied.
Use Revenue Sharing Site to Build Backlinks to Your Site
You can also use revenue sharing sites to build links to your site. Some of the revenue sharing site which allows you to contribute articles include Squidoo lens, Hub Pages, Associated Content and etc. Most will the sites allow you to include links in the body of the content. You can use an anchor text for each of the link in the content. The anchor text should be the targeted keyword which you want to rank for on the search engine. You can use free keyword suggestion tool to find a keyword. Some of the keyword suggestion tool which you can use includes Google Adwords Keywords, Keyword Tracker, Keyword Samurai and etc.
Social Bookmark Pages from Your Site
In addition, you can use social bookmarking site to create backlinks for the site. Popular social bookmarking site such as Digg and Twitter can instantly bring visitors to the site. Most social bookmarking site has a high page rank. Thus, getting a backlink on the homepage will give a boost to your ranking on the search engine, especially Digg. To rank on the first page of the social bookmarking site, you can ask your friends to help vote for your bookmark. In return, you can vote for their bookmarks. In this way, you will be able tor reach the top position of the social bookmark site.
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8 Important Myths Of Landing Page Quality Score
Myth 1: Google hates affiliates
False. The question affiliates should ask themselves is: “Was the user’s search experience made better by visiting my page before going to the merchant’s page?”. If you review several services and show the benefits and features of each service so that a searcher can make a more informed decision – then you’ve helped the search process. If your page is just about a single product and every single link from that page just goes to the same merchant page, then you’ve not added to the search experience.
There are many exceptional affiliate sites that add to the search experience. Google does not hate affiliates. Google hates making the search process longer for the user.
Myth 2: Micro sites and dedicated landing pages no longer work
False. While Google does wish a user to have choices, you can easily build a page that showcases a single product or service while still giving the user navigational choices. While micro sites or one-page-wonder sites have taken some quality score hits over the past couple years, dedicated landing pages are still effective.
When designing your page, look for non-intrusive ways to add some navigational elements to the page. If you consider this from the user’s standpoint, the page you chose for them may not be the actual product they wished to see. More importantly, if a user wants to find out more about your company before committing to trusting you with personal information; do they have any options?
Myth 3: If my site doesn’t have a high Page rank, I can’t get a good quality score
False. First, Page Rank is stored aT the page level and not the website level, but we’ll ignore that fact for the moment. Google has a completely different bot and algorithm for page rank versus landing page quality score. While both ads-bot and Google bot may share some data, the way the data is actually processed is separate and for completely different purposes. A brand new site can do well in PPC. A site that is banned from the organic SERPs can do well in PPC. A site banned from PPC can do well in the organic SERPs. Landing page quality and natural search rankings are completely unrelated to each other.
Myth 4: My keyword has to be on the landing page
False. The search engines understand semantic indexing. If a page is about cell phones, it probably has the words: Blue tooth, 3G, mobile or cell, phone, etc on the landing page. If your keyword was ‘mobile phone’ and you sent traffic to your page about ‘cell phones’ that did not mention the word mobile on it, your quality score should not suffer.
It can be a good practice from a consumer’s standpoint to use their lexicon (mobile or cell); however, it is not an absolute must. The closer related your landing page’s theme is to your keyword, the better your landing page quality score will be. However, it is not necessary to use the keyword on the landing page from the quality score perspective.
Myth 5: Adding a privacy policy will increase my quality score
It depends. If your site doe not collect any personal information, then you do not need a privacy policy (from Google’s perspective, but your country may have different laws regarding TOS and privacy policies). However, if you collect personal information, such as an email address, phone number, or credit card, having a privacy policy will help your quality score.
One of the quality score guidelines is transparency. Your privacy policy may say that you will sell any information given to you to the highest bidder. However, the fact you put that into your Privacy Policy means you were transparent to the user on what would happen to their personal information.
Myth 6: My site is in Flash, so I can never have a good quality score
False. Google has made many improvements with regards to indexing flash. This does not mean they will index your site properly. An exercise you can try is to put your URL into the AdWords Keyword Tool and have your page spidered. If the suggested keywords are similar to what you think the page is about, then you are generally in good shape. If there aren’t any results, or the suggested keywords are completely different than what you think the page is about, you may wish to try making your site more search-engine friendly using progressive enhancement technologies such as SIFR (and see the SEO: Flash area here on Search Engine Land or resources at Jane & Robot).
Myth 7: My page is all images. The new load time guidelines are lowering my quality score
False. Google only looks at how long it takes the page’s HTML to load in determining landing page load times. If your site is loading so slowly that you see a problem with load times in your AdWords account, you have larger issues with your site. Just loading a page’s HTML (not scripts, nor images) should be exceptionally quick. It should be noted, Google has said they may eventually incorporate all page elements into the load time for determining quality score. If this happens, you may need to optimize your images, scripts, and other called files.
Myth 8: Adding an ‘about us’ page will increase my quality score
While this is a good practice from a user standpoint, it is not an absolute must. As above, the actual AdWords guideline is to be transparent to the user. My testing has not shown that this will help quality score yet. However, it is a good practice as this could very easily be added to the landing page quality score formula and being transparent to users about your business is very much inline with Google’s goals.
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A Link Building Campaign
If you have a website and you are wondering how to raise your search engine rankings, I have here listed a couple of ways you can start with your linkbuilding campaign.
For a new site, I usually start with submitting my website details to the search engines then to the web directories. This is a one time task because submitting more than once will cause to the banning of your site from most of the directories and it unloads some weight off my shoulders when I see that i am done with the submissions since I know i wont be doing it again. I also keep a track of the submissions so if after sometime, I see there are new web directories emerging i could still add up to my list and to make sure i haven’t double submitted to a single web directory.
The second approach i have is creating an article and about my products and or my website and submit the article to the article directories. This is actually an unending tasks, because when you finished submitting your article to all the article directories in your list, you can just come up with another article and start submitting your new article to the article directories. With one submission you can get a minimum of 3 backlinks. This method is also cool if you are promoting like 2 to 3 websites at the same time. According to some sources this is a really effective way of earning good quality backlinks.
The next approach for me is forum signature linking. Though it seems it is kinda easy to, but for me this is the hardest. You might be getting instant backlinks but thinking for what to write and what forums to concentrate on is the hardest part. I guess those who are really comfortable with writing will enjoy this method best. For this method, just make sure the forums you are joining don’t use rel=””nofollow”” attribute.
Another good approach will be blog commenting. In this approach all you have to do it to find blog posts related to your website or to the product you are selling then join the discussion and place a link going back to your site. The hardest thing in this approach is finding a blog post related to your website.
The new technique now is the social bookmarking, In this approach you have to create an account on a social bookmarking website and tag links of your website. This is really easy and fun to do, you can even do this after you have finished the web directory submissions since it is also a one time job.
But the best method for me is media marketing. This method is kinda time taking and is the hardest for me. In this method you have to create an online community where you can reach them directly and convince them to use your service and have them promote your websites to the non-users.
Link building is a really time taking job. You have to make sure you continue on doing link building even after you have a nice place in the search engine results. Because if you stop your ranking will also go down. Aside from being time taking, link building is also a really boring time. That is why most webmasters and site owners don’t spend their valuable time just to do link building. They usually outsource someone to do it for them so they can save lots of time or money. You can find plenty of sites that offer link building services. Most of the sites only specialize in directory submissions. I prefer virtualinkers for manual directory submission service. With virtualinkers all you have to do is to provide the data needed for the submission and nothing else. While they are working on your directory submissions you can do other important things and still get the best results.
Still wondering what is the best consultants in marketing? All the tips you’ll ever need about seo website design can be found at search engine optimisation services
7 Best SEO Tips For Bloggers
Today blogging has become the most hot activity on the Internet. There are millions of blogs on the Internet and also it has become a source of bread and butter for many bloggers. So Search Engine Optimization is the most important activity for such bloggers and web-masters. Also most of the quality traffic that comes to our site or blog is through popular search engines. So one must know how to make the search engines happy to get higher search engine ranking and higher page rank.
Below I am listing some of the techniques and ways in which bloggers can take care of search engine optimization :
1) Content is the King : The most important thing for the blogs to help with search engine optimization is unique content. You must create a unique, quality, and good content for SEO on the blog.
Quality content helps to draw large number of visitors to the site than other developed content. It also helps in achieving higher search engine ranking and higher page rank. And the search engines are also smart enough to make out whether the content is useful or not, so you need to be active and careful regarding the content on the site.
2) Content Titles : Other important thing for SEO is title tags. When it comes to the title tags, majority of the search engine pays special attention to it. You must see that the below mentioned items are included in the content.
Keywords : It is most important thing to place the targeted keywords in the content as most of the search engines knows how to deal with those keywords and thus ranks the site or the blog on the basis of the keywords selected and how much they are related with the content.
Quality of Titles : Try to choose most effective, informative and descriptive title for the blog. Unique information will help to drag more visitors to the site.
Do not Lie : Search engines today have become more smarter and they can easily figure out whether the title is related to the particular content or not, so never ever lie to the search engines.
3) Potential Readers Need : You must be aware of what you readers are expecting from you. If you tend to provide them with the information they desire then it will help to improve the quality of your blog too.
Writing quality articles for the readers will help to drive more traffic to the blog and also it helps to improve the quality of you blog. Once you are aware what keywords are used by your readers on the web, you can write unique, good and quality articles for them and provide them with the best information. Thus this will help to retain the customers to the site and also help in improving search engine and page ranking.
4) Keywords in the Content : To optimize the article for the Google we must include the keywords in the content. It is in your beneficial interest to add your targeted keywords in the sub-heading tags and the image alt tags. This would surely be helpful in driving more traffic to the blog. Don’t place large number of keywords, but you might use it in the way as natural content.
Still wondering what is the best consultants in marketing? All the tips you’ll ever need about seo website design can be found at search engine optimisation services
The Madonna Approach To SEM
What in the planet will Madonna have to try and do with Search Engine Marketing? Well, at 1st look, in all probability not much. Keep with me for some moments, and I suppose the analogy will become clear.
For those new to selling websites, the quantity of knowledge out there on SEO, SEM and also the like will be quite overwhelming. How can you possibly keep up with all of it or recognize who to listen to?
Well, in my own expertise, I tried to try to to as much analysis as attainable on the thus-called proven ways, still as the trends of the day. I made a decision to try to try and do all of the grunt work myself. I needed to strive as several of the different techniques I had seen while not spending any cash! I know, it sounds extremely naïve, however I felt that if I might at least try to implement these strategies and acquire a feel for what works, I’d have a higher idea as to whether I needed facilitate or not!
So way, those strategies appear to paying off extremely well for me.
Therefore, back to the whole Madonna approach. It’s my range one piece of advice to anyone simply beginning their site. Madonna’s career and success have been based mostly on her ability to constantly re-invent herself and her image. She is continually marketing that new image and “new content.” Things seem to be going fairly well for her, thus I suppose it is a viable strategy to implement along with your site.
Now, in the world of the net promoting, your best bet is Search Engine Results Page/Positioning (SERP) or in English, getting your web site to show up immediately when a potential customer searches for keywords that relate to your product.
Thus, to apply the Madonna approach here is quite simple. You need to constantly be “re-inventing” your site to entice the mighty spiders of the search engines to come back to your web site and return back often. If you keep on high of this, it really won’t be a large task. All you’ve got got to try to to is be committed to creating your site the most effective it can be. I understand that sounds cheesy, however it is true. All that you do to entice the spiders to return index are the same things that can bring your customers and guests back time and time again. Content very is king.
Create a easy goal and realize new ways that of fulfilling it. Maybe you’ll plan to add one new page of content a week. Maybe you’ll add new options to it once a month. And, obviously, you should constantly be updating any “News or Time Specific” information.
In fact there are a number of different strategies to SEM, but strive implementing my Madonna approach and you may be well on your manner to increasing your rankings in those search results.
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