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Complete Link Building Strategies

Under SEO

Link building is essential for ranking the site on the search engine. The page ranking on the search engine is influenced by the number of backlinks to the site. The higher the amount of backlinks pointing to the site, the higher chances it will rank on the search engine. There are plenty of ways to build the backlinks of a website.

Build a Rich Content Site

First of all, you should build a site that is rich in content. Instead of creating a site with a broad scope, it should focus on a certain niche such as free laptop for students. After the site is uploaded, you can find links to it. You can contact other sites in the same niche and ask them to exchange link with you. If your site is content rich and informational, people will want to exchange link with you.

Get Your Site Listed in Yahoo! Directory

You can get your site listed at the Yahoo directory. The listing fee at Yahoo directory is $299 per year. Though Yahoo directory offers free submission, the sites in the queue has low chances of getting reviewed because of the large amount of submission. It is better to spend money buying an inclusion in the Yahoo directory instead of having to waiting for a long time. To shorten the approval time, you should narrow to the most relevant category. The title and description of the site should not be stuffed with too many keywords or contain promotional words.

Get Your Site Listed in Dmoz Directory

The Dmoz directory is the most respected directory on the internet. If your site is listed in Dmoz, you will see a significant boost in the search engine result. Before submitting the site to Dmoz, make sure you read the submission guidelines. The title should be the official title of the home page or company name. The description consists of one or two sentences that describe the content of the site.

Build another Site on the Same Niche and Cross Link Them

After that, you can build another site that focus on the same niche but aim on different keyword. When you are done, you can cross link between the two sites. For the best result, the two sites should be hosted in separate server with different C Class IP. In this way, Google will not be able to detect that treat the two sites as developed by different individuals and not the same person. You can create as many websites as you want and cross link between them.

Take Advantage of Free Blog Host Sites

Another method is to blog on free blog host sites. There are several blog hosting sites which allows you to create new blogs including wordpress.org, typepad.com, livejournal.com, blogabond.com, greatestjournal.com and etc. You can find a large list of free blog host sites by searching for the keyword “free blog host” in the search engine such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. For each blog, you can write a few informational posts and include the link to your site. It is better to update the blog once in a while so that it will appear natural to the search engine. Besides promoting your site, you can write other posts. In this way, the visitors will not get an impression that you created the blog for self promotion purposes.

User Videos to Build Backlinks to your Site

Video is a great link building strategy to implement for site promotion. You can create a funny video to attract the attention of viewers. The higher views your video gets, the higher it will rank on the search engine. In the description section, you can enter a short description of the video and the web address of your site. After uploading the video on the sites, you can share it with your friends, family and relatives. Later, they can forward it to other people. Soon more and more people will know about your video. Some of the popular video hosting sites include ExpoTV, Blip.tv, Hulu, Facebook, YouTube, Imeem, Google Video, Gubb.tv. When your video has an enormous amount of views, you will receive much referral traffic which will lead to a higher conversion rate.

Submit Your Site to Free Web Directories

You can submit the site to web directories. Before submitting to the directories, you can prepare the titles, keywords and descriptions. You should create a few variation of the titles, and descriptions to avoid duplication problem. If you use the same titles and descriptions, the search engine will know that it is submitted by the one person. To lower the suspicion, you can create 4 -5 variations of the titles and descriptions. It is best if you can write a unique title and description for each site. Since there are thousands of directories, you’ll want to consider outsourcing the work to a SEO company. Before buying a submission service, you should read reviews and do price comparison between different SEO company. The SEO company should have a good feedback history. In addition, it should offer a money back guarantee so that they can refund the payment in case you are not satisfied.

Use Revenue Sharing Site to Build Backlinks to Your Site

You can also use revenue sharing sites to build links to your site. Some of the revenue sharing site which allows you to contribute articles include Squidoo lens, Hub Pages, Associated Content and etc. Most will the sites allow you to include links in the body of the content. You can use an anchor text for each of the link in the content. The anchor text should be the targeted keyword which you want to rank for on the search engine. You can use free keyword suggestion tool to find a keyword. Some of the keyword suggestion tool which you can use includes Google Adwords Keywords, Keyword Tracker, Keyword Samurai and etc.

Social Bookmark Pages from Your Site

In addition, you can use social bookmarking site to create backlinks for the site. Popular social bookmarking site such as Digg and Twitter can instantly bring visitors to the site. Most social bookmarking site has a high page rank. Thus, getting a backlink on the homepage will give a boost to your ranking on the search engine, especially Digg. To rank on the first page of the social bookmarking site, you can ask your friends to help vote for your bookmark. In return, you can vote for their bookmarks. In this way, you will be able tor reach the top position of the social bookmark site.

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