David Wood’s Four Step MLM Traffic Process
In this expose I am going to discuss the principles that send search engine traffic and rankings, how content marketing creates traffic and the four step procedure by David Wood.
This four stage method is the one David Wood used to produce 25000 free of charge visitors in 8 short weeks. I use the same strategy to generate 20-30 leads per day for free and by the end of this article you too can generate unlimited targeted leads for free.
How does content marketing push traffic?
– Persons search for interrelated term on one of the major search engine and find your content in the results.
– Individuals find your content on another website, click on the link and it leads to your landing page.
– Overtime increase in back links, traffic, and exposure increases your influence and Google and other search engines will without human intervention give your content better rankings.
So what principles drive search engine traffic and rankings?
1. Relevancy
You need to come up with content that is relevant to what your target audience is searching for right from the title to the end.
2. Popularity.
You need to make your content popular by linking to it from as many websites as possible.
3. Develop unique and worthy content.
Relevant content is all about leading with significance. Give without any thought of come back and one and all around will think to give back.
With the above information in mind you now will understand what Google looks for when they’re ranking a page.
Google actually looks for two things before they decide how to rank a certain page.
Relevancy and Popularity.
Google measures relevancy by analyzing the written content of the page. Google search boots have no capability to spider videos so they simply trust what’s on the video description and index the content according to that info.
Popularity is a little but more of a simple equation than relevancy and it is calculated in a few ways.
– How many sites are connecting to the piece of content?
– How worthy (i.e popular) are the sites that link to the content?
– How much weight does the overall site where the content is posted have?
Now that you have some discernment about how Google ranks your content, let’s get to the meat of this article.
The Four Step Process You Must Follow Beggining Now.
Step One
Create a piece of content. It could be ” A video ” An article ” A blog post ” Or something else entirely.
Step Two
Bookmark your innovative content with only wire. This will spread your content to the topmost bookmarking sites online.
Step Three
Simply create a video announcing your content and send it to the top video sites on the internet.
There is a tool David Wood and I use to automatically distribute this video to multiple video directories at the click of a button.(Will provide a link at the end of the article.)
Still wondering what is the best advertising business internet marketing online? All the tips you’ll ever need about search engine marketing tip can be found at managed search engine marketing