Does It Matter If You Join One Of The Best Network Marketing Companies?
When it comes to choosing from all the best network marketing companies which one you should “hang your hat on”, let me caution you on what many people make mistakes with during this process. You see, it’s not so much the company you pick as it is what you do AFTER you’ve done so.
Many fabulous companies exist. A few have the best products…some have better compensation plans…some of the training systems are top notch…but choosing from the list of the best network marketing companies has more to do with your personal preferences than it does with me telling you which is the best.
If you like water, you may want to join Vollara. The Global Information Network may work for you if you love health, the Law of Attraction and personal growth.
Global Resorts Network may be for you if vacationing gets you going. You may just love the legal platform and join Pre Paid Legal.
You have to make the final call on this one, my friend. This brings us right into why it is that the majority of all people in MLM never succeed in creating a huge residual income in this industry.
Yes, only about 5% create wealth. I don’t think I have to ask which group you want to be in and it doesn’t matter which one company you pick after pouring over all the best network marketing companies lists…take a wild guess as to which group you’ll be in a few months from now if you don’t figure out how to best “work” that great company and opportunity you’ve joined?
For today’s fast paced environment, here is what you need to understand: If you don’t establish yourself an online “brand”…someone who has leadership and a marketing system others can plug right into for success, then watch out for the guy like me who does!
99% of all MLM companies teach their members to work through their lists of friends, family and associates or to use the “3 foot rule”… and that stuff works!
It works until your prospect you met offline goes onto the Internet to research everything and discovers a person like me who gives them ongoing marketing training, bootcamps, and a system that provides them the tools to brand themselves into a leader…a system that also pays them big, upfront, residual cash before they even recruit one person into their MLM downline.
You call them up a short time after talking with them and are suprised to find they already joined that online leader who got past all the “my company is the best of all the best network marketing companies” talk.