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Dont make the mistake so many make when it comes to networking

Under make money

Invariably when people go to a  business networking event , it is often with mixed thoughts . Yes, they want to network and catch more sales . But 99 percent of them are worried they’re going to have to potentiall be , well, pushy.

I’ve got good news. If you’re a nice  individual hates coming across as pushy then that’s the best start to your career as a networker. That’s because networking isn’t about launching into sales mode . It’s about getting people to know you, like you and trust you.

It is important to realise that we all like doing business with  individuals   we like . The rest can come later…once you’ve built  a relationship . If you think about the people you do business with, or whom you recommend to others, it’s plausible they are not the people  who foist themselves on you. It’ll be people you like, people you’ve been aware of for a while. People who, when the need arises, you’re pleased to recommend because you like and trust them.

Newsflash: this is how the world works. It’s all networking is.

People love to be in the know and get a huge buzz from recommending “their” people to others. How many times have you heard somebody say “I’ve got a fabulous mechanic”? Or, “you’re disappointed with you accountant? I know someone who’s just gone out on his own and he’s a top bloke”.

Those kinds of recommendations  are brilliant, but they don’t come as a result of selling  yourself hard to strangers. Building up that kind of assurance takes time and multiple encounters.

So next time plan on attending a networking event, or you’re logging onto LinkedIn, or someone asks you what you do at a party , there’s no need to worry  and back away into your shell. Get your brave up and concentrate on being yourself and learning more about the people you’re mixing with. That’s what good networking is all about.

How would you feel if you arrived  to make the first presentation for a new key-account client without having done any preparation? Anxious, nervous, self-conscious, exposed? How would you feel about one of your team members if you found out that’s how they’d arrived at their first meeting? So I’m sure you’ll agree when suggested that to get the best out of any situation you need to do some preparation and planning.

Dont make the mistake as well of signing up to online business networking sites and not preparing yourself. Sites such as Linkedin require proper planning as you are exposing yourself to millions of potential clients. Get the best linkedin training you can as well as business networking training to ensure you maximise your business potential.

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