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Exclusive Keys To Increase Your Traffic For A New Website

Under SEO

Everything that I am going to write is 100% true and I have already applied for my site. So either you can hire SEO expert or you can do these things on your own if you got a time.

1 ) Article writing and submission:

Article submission is one of the most important things that you must consider when building back links for your site. Write article about your products and services and submit it in various site. Write content that attracts users to visit your website.

Warning: Do not write fake content or services that your website or company does not offer. The content of the article must be unique. You can check it on articlechecker.com.

2 ) Directory submission:

Another good way to get listed in goggle’s search result is directory submission. If your website is new than you should start with directory submission. In directory submission you need to choose perfect category .For example your site selling website templates and you are submitting your site to sports category than all your efforts would be worthless. Give little attention while selecting category.

3 ) Add your link in Social bookmaking sites:

According to my experience social bookmaking is the fastest and easiest way to get quality traffic and back links for your site. Search for the social bookmaking sites in Google and add your link to it. In this you need to create short and sweet description of your site.

Warning: Some people also add url without slash. For example if you add site( www.example.com/) then do not add same burl without slash(www.example.com) ,This is consider as a duplicate content. Sooner or letter Google will ban your website.

4 ) Start Blogging and commenting on other’s blogs :

Start your blog which provides information and about your product and services and also try to contain user feedback about these products. Combine this blog with social media sites which will boost your site performance. Comment on other people’s bog and include your website link in that. One thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to comment on do follow blogs. Google does not follow no-follow links.

5 ) Building links with forum posting:

Research says 17% to 25 % of the results in Google come from forums. So it is also an important thing in link building .Create your profile in forums which relevant to your web site and put your link in signature. Do not spam in forums other wise forum moderator will ban your account.

Top Secret in forum posting: Do not include signature on first day of your post. So when you create thread or reply on post then after few days include your signature.

6 ) Create Profile in social media sites: A social network services

Now a day’s social media marketing is also an important factor for your web site promotion. In which you need to create profile on social media sites like orkut, facebook and twitter. Write about your site in your profile and try to extend your network so more and more people will come to know about your products and services. By this way you can target some quality traffic. Twitter is very famous now days for this.

7 ) Press release:

Press release is a new concept now days. If you have started new services or release any new products than you need to write about it in pres release websites. This can be a quickest way to get noticed about your site if your content is useful and something new with comparison to others..

8 ) Get Reciprocal Links with relevant websites:

When two web masters agree to put link on each other’s websites is called a reciprocal link or link exchange. This concept was very famous in past since Google gives more value to one way link than reciprocal link. You can find a link partner online. The most important thing that you need to keep in mind while working on reciprocal link is that you need to check daily weather the sites you are linking to ,must not be banned by Google. In simple way you should not link to bad neighbors.

These all things will increase back links and traffic to your site if you do it in a proper way. In my next blog I am going to put list of all sites which will be help full in building backlinks for your sites.( e.g. list of forums, directories, social bookmarking sites,etc..)

These all things will increase back links and traffic to your site if you do it in a right way.

In my next article I will write some question about how to hire dedicated web designer.

Still wondering what is the best free seo? All the tips you’ll ever need about top chicago marketing firms can be found at search engine optimization and seo

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