For What The Internet Shop Is Necessary?
Internet shop is only one more additional tool for successful business. If you have a shop you always are engaged off-line in trade by a principle: the goods under the price have come – the goods are accessible to sale under the price – the buyer – purchase – the income has come. And why not to expand the trade channels thus? After all having opened Internet shop you solve at once simultaneously:
* Create online show-window where the buyer could familiarise with assortment of your production, (and it hence induces the client to make purchase)
* Can generate base of potential clients which would like to receive your goods.
* You “sleep” and the shop works – receive round-the-clock shop, which can ALWAYS (morning, day, night, holidays) to acquaint the future client – the goods, the price, a complete set, etc. – simply dream of the businessman – shop which all time works! And it is not necessary for you to have to pay for heating, an electricity, water, – i.e. following payments all from here which will mercilessly get your profit.
* Receive additional competitive chance among similar shops on a profile – as can provide additional service convenient for the client (constantly, informatively, quickly)
The most profitable is the Internet shop working under the following scheme:
You get access to a dealer price in a city “A”. In a city “B” open Internet shop on sale, for example mobile phones. Time of performance of the order establish 2-3 days. Thus you do not have need to buy on a warehouse production (it will entail decrease in expenses for purchase – you “will freeze money”, wastes on production storage, protection, etc.) The client gets acquainted with your offers on a site (and you establish a competitive price, having left yourself minimum). The client does the order through shop, you contact the dealer, order the goods. All business chain of passage of the goods consists of you and the buyer.
Staff of the Internet – shop
For successful work our sample of the Internet shop is desirable to have the minimum staff for the first start:
1. Management of shop
The manager – the director of shop – carries out following functions:
* orders the goods – dialogue with dealers.
* support of clients – answers phone (city phone or a mobile phone that allows not to become attached to one point), e-mail, ICQ, Skype
* organises production delivery
* processes the order, is engaged in support of clients, acts as the bookkeeper (the control of payments).
Production delivery – if your shop is still small, minimum – this function you can execute quantity of orders. Or other variant – if you would not like to go for some reasons with the goods to the client – you can offer the client to receive the goods at office \warehouse or to employ the driver. Usually small shops enter into the agreement with the reliable and checked up taxi drivers who for an additional payment deliver the necessary goods and will receive money from the client.
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