Free To Join Income Programs – Are They Worth Their Weight In Sweat?
Over the years, there has been a lot of programs that offered free to join options. A scant few have actually survived. The question still remains though, are they really free?, and are they worth all the work you’re going to have to put into them to make them work for you?
Are they really free?
In some cases they are. Most programs that offer you an opportunity to “join free” will allow you to view their program for a limited time, with very limited opportunity for actually creating an income for yourself in that “free trial period”. They will provide you with names of people who have signed up, telling you that these people will be placed under you as soon as you agree to become a full-fledged member by paying the monthly fee’s to join that particular program.
By showing you a list of people who have also signed up as “free trial member”, they will lead you to believe that the hundreds they show you will actually be a member of your down-line only if you join now, before everyone else. High pressure sales is what I call it. Deceptive sales too. Of the hundreds of names they show you that will supposedly be in your down-line, zero will actually be in your down-line. Instead, they will just be given the same story you’ve been getting. The only people that will actually be placed in your down-line are those you personally recruit, or recruit through another means, such as an advertising co-op.
There are a scant few programs though, that really do provide you with a truly free trial-period, and at least one that really offers you free membership! The few that do, don’t try to persuade you into buying into their program before your trial period has expired with techniques as mentioned above. Instead, they offer you ideas, show you possibilities, provide you with a full-fledged, working program that allows you to make your own decision as to whether you want to “upgrade” your free trial status membership into a full paying membership. I have found that these are the best opportunities available. They make no promises beyond what is believable, and make no effort to hard-nose you into making a decision before you are ready.
Will I have to work hard to get anywhere with these free programs?
Of course you will! A wise man once told me, “If it’s worth having, it’s worth working for”. And this is true with anything, free or not. I have found that the more involved I get into a program, the more successful I am at it. Relying on ad co-ops or another means of gaining automated sign-ups will provide some positive results. However, what if you were to do a little work to get a person to sign up in your down-line? A little verbal conversation, perhaps a personal story that helps them to decide to join in? How much more successful do you think your recruit will be if you work with them, instead of just relying on the program to provide them with all they need.
In general, those people that sign-up in your down-line without personal contact will most likely quit after a short period of time. Those that recieve a phone call, email, or some other form of contact from you personally, will be more likely to succeed making your success more assured and continued.
As my daddy always said, “Son, working for a living is the best way to success . . . but, free is a very good price!”.