Is an Investment Club Right For You?
Here is an explanation explaining what an investment club is and the benefits that you you will acquire when you join a club like this. You will also find out what takes place at these meetings.
Investment clubs have been around along time and there is virtually 1000’s of these types of clubs all over the nation. A lot of these clubs which are actively buying property today do so with a fairly good rate of success to show for their efforts. These clubs exist in the United States or Canada and around the world. You have probably heard of this type of club where friends gather on a weekly basis to discuss potential real estate deals. You may have even have thought about joining one of these club yourself, but were uncertain of what these clubs do.
These clubs are a group of friendly investors who like to learn about real estate investing. They can be made up of a few friends or co-workers or on a more grander scale and professionally run investment clubs. In either casenormally the group meets on a weekly basis, and sometimes the actual meeting place is at one of the members homes (depneding on the size of the club). The members will rotate whose home they will meet at so that everyone has a chance to host the investment group in their home.
The investment meetings are kept as intimate as conceivable, however real business is discussed and taken care of during these meetings. Clubs are usually comprised of 5-20 members on the small side, to hundreds on the big side. Members usually meet once or twice a week or once a month. Some clubs have taken the meetings to online chats, after the initial meeting in person. This means that the members can have a meeting and never even leave the comfort of their home. This is an ideal situation since many of these investment groups have working mothers who have work-at-home moms as members. With the group meeting on line, it allows for the group members to be home and still carry on the club business.
If you believe that investment clubs are a way to get rich quick, then you do not fully understand the practice of these groups. A typical club will make a real estate purchase and hold on to it for many years before deciding to liquidate the property. All purchases are carefully considered and well researched by the members. Once a club has been established they rarely allow any new members to come into the club, and will only allow a new member should one member leave the group.
You will not only learn a wealth of knowledge about the subject of real estate investing, you get to do it with people that you like and will appreciate the experience. So if you have been thinking about getting into real estate investing, then an investment club might be what you need to get started.