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Ones Mental Attitude Determines Ones Progress

Under Make Money Online

Are you reaching for the stars? Are you content with averageness? What you think about something, is fundamentally how it’s going to turn out. We are where we are simply by the thoughts that reign our minds. William James once said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.”

We can control our thoughts. We get our emotions from how we think about things. We can control our feelings by simply changing the way we think. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it! There is relationship between our feelings and our thoughts. Attitudes are only traditions of thought. Your beliefs create what you have in life.

It takes the same amount of energy to form a good habit as it does a bad one. It is just as easy to form a habit of success as it is the habit of non-accomplishment. If you have good attitudes, it will give way to the right thoughts, right actions, right determinations, and will develop into the right habits.

The same is true of developing a bad habit. If one has a bad or negative attitude, it gives way to bad thoughts. This causes one to make the wrong choices; therefore, our mood is that of unhappiness and gloom. It is then that we feel frustrated, and dissatisfaction seems to be unavoidable.

If one has a lot of negativity, people can be aware of it. They tend to not want to be around these kinds of people. They’re aware that the negativity might be passed on to them. People want to avoid them, and be around groups with positive feelings.

Alas, I know this first hand. My best friend and I taught in the same school. She had nothing good to say about any of the other teachers. We were always together, and I soon found myself putting them down as well. We wouldn’t even go out to recess so we wouldn’t be with teachers we didn’t like. This attitude soon rubbed off with everything–my life, my family, my job! My life was positively miserable.

It was not until I went clear across the United States that my life transformed. I met people that were so happy! The teachers at the school where I was working actually liked each other! I couldn’t figure this out. I thought we were suppose to put each other down, but they were friends even after school hours. I couldn’t believe that they actually went on camping trips together!

Needless to say, once I was away from all the negativity of my “best” friend, my knowledge and behaviors changed. It was a very slow process. It was like breaking any other type of bad habit. Once I stopped being negative, I had much more happiness. I even had people tell me I had a great sense of humor! Wow, my old “best” friend didn’t know that.

One needs to think only pleasing thoughts. Do not use pessimistic words when you talk to others, or even with your inner voice when you talk to yourself. Would you rather look at a person who is smiling or frowning? You got it! It even makes you feel happy when you’re smiling. Do you think you want to give up and quit when you have a smile on your face? I don’t think so. You will begin to change the way your brain is thinking. One simply has to replace any bad thought with a good one, and you will train your brain to be more positive.

My life is so much happier since I’ve tried to be around positive people. This has given me back some self-esteem. It is helping me with a new endeavor to make money online. I would have been so made fun of if I’d tried this when I had my negative friends!

I am now a proud member of Wealth Creations Network (WCN). This wealth builders club has been nothing but positive reinforcement for me. The CEO, and founder, Selina Brantley, only wants success for ALL of us. She is supplying us with free training in network marketing by which we can be successful in any adventure we might have, or will have. The procedures show us ways to make money online fast. If you want to be around nothing but positive people, check us out at http://wealthcreationsnetwork.com/wcn.php?ref=BL2647

It is hard to think positive thoughts when you are going through a lot of problems and trials. This is when you need to concentrate on the fact that the results are going to be good. Believe in yourself and the value you have as an individual. No matter what has happened, or what will happen, you will never lose your value.

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