Private Business On The Internet: Whether Investments In Advertising Are Necessary?
Article is focused basically on those people who begin business on the Internet with zero and have no means for an investment in advertising and advancement of the resource. As for today complex advancement of a site starts from 1000 dollars a month and the top lath and at all cannot have border.
And actually without having experience in business and sale of the services even having money for advertising it is difficult to be defined on what to spend them first of all? Therefore in the beginning it is necessary to train on free ways of advertising, still there are a lot of them today on the Internet. Having received a certain experience and having drawn conclusions it is possible to start to put in paid advertising.
And, by the way, you can quite start to earn from the site at a stage when use exclusively free ways of advertising! And here the first money received as a result of your work, it is already possible to enclose those ways which I will list more low. Well and, certainly, in those innovations which you will think up.
Merge of free dispatches or purchase of the untwisted dispatches
Each project respecting in a network has information dispatch. It is possible to take advantage of free services for its conducting. However one dispatch on such service will be insufficiently and it is necessary to conduct at least a little. The matter is that the quantity of subscribers of one dispatch grows improbably slowly. It is possible to wait, of course couple of years, but whether there is a sense in it? It is much better to connect subscribers of several dispatches in one preliminary having prepared subscribers of attached dispatch that the subjects of releases soon will a little change.
Then you receive from two dispatches with circulation of one and a half thousand persons (for example) one solid dispatch with circulation about three thousand. In due course you can already connect two three-thousandth dispatches … I hope the idea is clear and does not demand the further decoding. Association of dispatches – service paid. But in any case it is favourable to do it when circulation of dispatches at least above thousand persons.
Besides, there are auctions on which it is possible to get mailing with the big circulation. Certainly, cost will depend on a theme of mailing and from quantity of subscribers. Largely developing western Internet projects have mailing in circulation about one and a half millions subscribers. To have more or less worthy income, mailing in circulation about 100 thousand subscribers is required to you.
Therefore estimate correctly volume of work which is necessary to you and do not hope that you can live in clover with mailing in pair thousand persons.
Own mailing and answering machine
Up until that time it was a question of free mailings, at work with which you do not have access to base of addresses of your readers. You only can trust or not trust the server of free mailings when they show statistics of your subscribers. But there is no possibility to check up them.
And the destiny of your mailing entirely depends on a whim of administration of the server. I had cases when blocked my mailings with circulation more than 5 thousand persons and in any way did not want to return. Exclusively only after payment of one of their commercial services – for example merge to other mailing.
Therefore it is always necessary to have own mailing on a site you and anybody more will be which owner only. And subscribers of this your own mailing also make yours “gold fund”. Own mailing already demands an investment of means. It is possible to buy a mailing script and it is possible to use one of paid services.
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And once you have nice targeted traffic – then “making money with adsense” questions become very easy.
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