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Removing Windows “Genuine Advantage” Notifications

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Users of Windows Genuine Advantage are often surprised when MS informs them that their usage of Windows XP is invalid.   This is generated by the validation test which is nothing more than an internal check of the status and origination date of the OS as compared to their on-file data for same.  If it is an authorized sale – resulting in a valid and paid-for copy of XP running on your system – everything is cool.  If the validation test provided for in Win Genuine Advantage fails, then MS treats is as an illegal usage or pirated software.   The evidence that this has happened is the continual pop-up warning via what is called the Genuine Advantage Notification.  This is Microsoft’s way of telling you that your installation of XP is invalid.   This state of affairs is more than just frustrating, it is debilitating.  You will continue to get this constant pop-up until you delete and reinstall XP or validate its legal acquisition and usage. 

There are several reasons why your copy of XP – while perfectly legal – may be generating in the MS Legality Validation Database an entry that reflects an unauthorized use or unpaid possession.   One reason is that you might have changed your authorized XP Product Key to a software-generated Product Key.  It may have also occurred because of database errors on Microsoft’s side – something that they never acknowledge.  The other reason is simply an unverified authorization test – i.e. for no valid reason at all. 

Nonetheless, when this occurs Microsoft will auto-install several types of notifications on your PC:  One at Login or Startup; one in the Timer subsystem; one floating pop-up.  This also precludes the use of certain DLLs and ActiveX Controls.   As a result of this you will not be able to gain access to any OS support or maintenance.   It also precludes normal installation and execution of apps like IE7 and Win Media Player.

To remove these notifications you will need to go through these steps.   First, do a System Restore from a checkpoint that dates prior to your installation of Windows Genuine Advantage.  If that is not possible – i.e. your installation of GA occurred prior to or on the date of your commenced usage of XP – then you will have to do this manually.  Click Start and hit Run.   Enter ‘CMD’ and click ok.   Change your selected Directory to System32 folder by typing ‘cd \windows\system32’ and press Enter.  Then open any character editor – Not Word – and type ‘taskkill -IM wgatray.exe’, ‘del wgatray.exe’ and ‘del wgalogon.dll’ as three succeeding entries.  Copy and paste these into the Command Prompt and hit Enter.   This will delete the wgatray.exe, all its prompts and notifications, and all hooks into both IE7 and Windows Media Player.  This will, however, not change the errant status of the OS.   You will still have to clear that up with Microsoft.

Lastly, run a Registry Update of your Windows system registry. You can purchase and download a top registry software package that does this and also performs the other registry fix functions that accomplish any needed Registry Repair as a part of your cleansed GA status.

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