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Rules Of Writing Text For Websites.

Under SEO

The nature of the text for web pages is determined not only by its content, but also by the impression produced on readers. It goes without saying that the lack of grammar errors in the text is important, but it’s also important to provide information in a form that allows the visitor to focus on the most significant moments of the text.

If you create text for websites then you should adhere to the following recommendations. First of all it should comply with brevity. The pages should occupy no more than 50% of the text which can be used to use the same material for the printed publication. The text should be convenient for quick reference. Do not force visitors to read large paragraphs of your text. Instead of this you should use small paragraphs of course.

The significant amount of information should be broken into several pages linked together with hyperlinks. Of course you shouldn’t forget about the necessity to check the text. Before proposing an article for the WWW, it should be, at least looked through. The presence of misspelled words complicates perception of the text and reduces the speed of reading. Moreover it also often causes confusion.

It is also necessary not only to correct errors, but also to exclude unclear and incorrect words from the text. The structure of your sentences should be extremely simple. The matter is that the structure of complex words is more difficult to perceive in the presentation of information in electronic form.

Users aren’t likely to spend time on the full acquaintance with the reducible material and as follows from this a summary of the subject should be placed at the beginning of the page. The most important information should be placed in the upper part, based on the principle of the inverted pyramid. As you know this principle is often used in journalism.

By the way it’s known that very often Internet users read only the first sentence of each paragraph. So you should stick to the following principle in your creative activity. I mean the principle “one paragraph is one complete thought”.

You should also limit the use of metaphors and it’s especially true for headlines. From my point of view the vast majority of readers needn’t metaphors at all. They need information first of all and nothing else. I think that metaphors will disappear soon because they aren’t suited for the 21st century as well as for the next generations. In fact as you can see texts are getting simpler. So you shouldn’t move away from this tendency. Try to make simple but at the same time extremely absorbing texts and your job will be always highly praised by your readers. Good luck in your creative activity!

Today world crisis has led to loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them refer to Internet as the way to earn money. And this is a truly unique opportunity to make one’s living. If you have no business idea or you search for something to start from, try article promotion.

If you are good at article writing, it can turn into your regular job. Fortunately the online technologies offer many opportunities to earn. Use Google and other search engines to look for “submit articles“. You will find many sites accepting and even paying for article submission.

Visit various social networks and forums and check topics which are respective to this. It is also useful to subscribe to the RSS feed on this blog because it will help to keep track of the latest news and opportunities regarding “article submit” topic. Don’t lose this chance to fight bad times.

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