Sarcastic Bad Advice On Work With Internet Shop
Bad advice
The dear reader, these advices are necessary and useful to those who does not wish to “burn” with start of the first Internet shop.
Read them and try not to take advantage of them, for the blessing!
Section 1. Internet shop creation
1. Think up Internet shop from zero: What for to trouble yourself with blind copying of already old ideas (a basket, goods extract, a show-window). It is better to think up something new and original. Users with pleasure will note your innovative ideas.
2. It is not necessary to puzzle yourself with technical project working out: Developers will understand “on instants” what you mean describing in words the ideas.
3. To order working out of Internet shops in students – after all the price of working out of Internet shop at them it is less than at Web studios. And offsets and sessions is a business passing.
4. Before the order there is no sense to look at already performed works of developers.
5. Pay at once the full sum for work. Your developers will understand that you not the miser and money are not the main thing for you.
Section 2. Filling by the Internet shop goods.
1. It is not necessary to break the goods after categories: the user can also find the necessary goods through search. And numerous categories of the goods will distract his attention and to take a place in Internet shop.
2. A description minimum about the goods: What for to the user to trouble himself with set of letters and the text? And you as the manager do not need to spend the hour for the detailed description of the goods.
3. It is better to take photo of the goods from a site of the competitor. Well also that photos will be identical, but, the time is saved!
4. Large photos of the goods are very bad. What for to spend the place on a server for preservations of the big photos. And the user can consider all and in small photos that it is necessary for him.
5. Texts before placing of the goods and service in Internet shop can and to be checked on spelling.
Section 3. Contacts, a feedback.
1. It is not necessary to specify support phone: And nervous users will call and distract all the day.
2. It is not necessary to be afraid to show the e-mail on a site.
3. Not mention a code of a long-distance set for your local phones. Your users are competent people and can define your site and calculate a set code through search cars in the Internet. But process of search of a long-distance telephone code will be interesting to them.
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