Talking About Promotion Of Articles.
Perhaps you realize that a car designer should be able to look at the car from the driver’s side, as a copywriter must understand how texts could be perceived by webmasters. In this review you’ll see some worthy advices regarding promoting articles.
Why does a copywriter write articles? Perhaps he does so to post them on Internet sites. But a webmaster a moment’s hesitation will answer that he needs articles to promote his site. Quite often, because of such different views on the same subject there might be misunderstandings between the client and performer which is a copywriter.
A copywriter considers his articles as a result of creativity but for a webmaster any text is only the raw material for raising the rating of his site. It turns out that the ultimate goal of writing texts is promotion of online resources.
The first thing which should be taken into consideration is the language of copywriting. The visitors of websites will hardly stumble on even the best journalistic material, if it’s not written in plain, understandable language. Secondly, key words should be also considered. Since, the vast majority of visitors come to the site through search engines, keywords are the main tool for any webmaster.
Every webmaster is trying to invent his own methods for promoting articles and keywords. Many webmasters simply do not know the rules and try to do as they understand this. So, let’s look at the rules of SEO.
To optimize the text for the search engines requests key words should be concentrated in the first third of the text. You’d better place them in the first and second paragraphs correspondently.
In fact key words should not dominate, they need to be rationally distributed throughout the text.
Keyword density should not be excessive, as some copywriters think. Search engine determine an unnatural density of keywords and ban such texts.
Key words and phrases should fit smoothly the text, the reader should not stumble on keywords. Adherence to this rule is particularly difficult because search queries have their specificity. In fact the essence of the SEO text should be clear already from the first sentences. Any way the visitor should grab the basic idea without the necessity to read the entire text.
And finally it’s recommended to draw attention to the content in this article using a really unique phrase. Of course you should stay away from standard patterns in this case. Try not to start the text on the main page with the words “You are on the site to…” or “ The website you’ve stumbled on …” Try to create something your own. This will raise the interest to your content. So as you can see these rules aren’t difficult at all. So you can stick to them successfully.
Currently economic recession has resulted in loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them refer to Internet as the way to make money. And this is a truly unique opportunity to earn one’s living. If you have no business idea or you need something to start from, try article distribution.
If you are good at article writing, it can turn into your regular job. It is fortunate that the web technologies offer many possibilities to earn. Make use of Google and other search engines to look for “submit articles“. You will find many sites accepting and even paying for article submission.
Check out social networks and forums and review topics which are respective to this. It is also useful to subscribe to the RSS on this blog as it will help to keep track of the latest news and opportunities regarding “article submit” topic. Don’t lose this chance to fight bad times.