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The Basics Of Web Design

Under Internet Marketing

Many people out there think that web design is really hard. After all, there are thousands of programs out there to create web pages and millions of people going to expensive colleges every year just to learn all about web sites! However, things are not nearly as hard as you would think.

The first step to creating a good web page is to decide what you want on it. People will be visiting your site for what is written there, not how pretty it looks you know. Go ahead and make a list of the main sections you want people to visit. “Home”, “About me” and “links” are usually good starts.

Once you know what is going to be on your site, it is time to organize it. Clump similar things together to create your main pages. For example, talking about your favorite book and your favorite band could both go under your “About me” page. Less is more as long as each main page is well-defined as people do not like having to wade through a lot of links to find what they want to know.

Once all the information has been chosen and organized, you can get your layout made. The three things that are the most important when designing your site’s layout are compatibility, visibility, and ease of use. That are what makes a good site great.

Visibility means that your page is easy to read. Choose two contrasting complimentary colors for your pages. It is important to make sure the colors are very different in shades to make it easy to read. Usually light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background works the best. Also avoid using background images as it makes reading difficult.

Ease of use means that it is easy for people visiting your page to find what they want. All the main pages you came up with earlier should be clearly linked on an easy to read menu that will be in the same place on every one of your pages. If you have any sub pages, a site map linked in the footer of your web page is also a great idea.

The most important of the three concerns is compatibility. If they can not load your web page, they will not be able to enjoy it! Do not use things like flash or silverlight as they do not work on all browser or all operating systems and can crash slower computers. Also, check your web site across several browsers to make sure the code works well. Using W3C compliant code will generally help things out a lot.

As you can see, web design is not as scary as it sounds. With a little planning and care taken towards visibility, ease of use, and compatibility your web site will be just fine. Do not be afraid to try to go out there and make your site yourself, there is plenty of help out there if you get “stuck”. Have fun with your web page, the world is waiting to hear from you!

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