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The Best Web Traffic Builder – It’s Not What You Think!

Under make money

As an internet marketing consultant, I come around this problem often. “What is the best web traffic builder?”

They’re ordinarily searching for some automatic process that just brings them lots of visitors with fistfuls of capital that they wish to spend on that person’s website.

I don’t like to be “that guy” but here’s your splash over of frosty water – get real!

It doesn’t exist. (However, that won’t prevent people from selling you one)

Let’s talk about how to build traffic to your website. I want to include one further point here as well.  Your Traffic has to be targeted.   Right now I could go spend about $100 and get a million visitors to my website in about seven days. The thing is that the traffic is entirely untargeted and would likely be a full waste of my funds and website resources.

Supply me 1,000 extremely targeted visitors above 1,000,000 untargeted random visitors any day.

Alright, so today we realize we want targeted traffic, what is actually the best web traffic generator for obtaining targeted visitors?

I never like to be the bearer of bad news once more (twice in the same article, sheesh), but the actual key point to getting targeted traffic has nothing to do with fancy pants automated computer software. What are known as traffic software is actually simply a tool to assist you.  You still want to understand using it and to understand why you’d want to in the first place.

In reality, the best web traffic builder is merely a system that you could follow (or hire someone to follow) consistently. Almost any approach you check out if done continuously will get you more traffic.

Your complete traffic building system may very well be writing 1 article a day, done daily without fail. It could be creating 5 forum posts each day.   You could record 3 podcasts each week.  You could write 2 blog posts, make 5 forum posts, and record 1 podcast each week.

When you have a large budget, make use of pay per click advertising to bring in as much traffic as you want (if you can afford it), but it’s a complex and frequently expensive process in the beginning.

I understand this isn’t as sexy and doesn’t seem as much fun as automatic software that does all the work (and it certain doesn’t sell as well), but it works and it works well.

Select one thing to do. Do it continually. See results.

Sure, it truly can be that simple. Make it more complicated if you want but do so at your own risk.

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