The Importance of Good Customer Service in Internet Marketing
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Internet marketers should be just as dedicated to providing good customer service as any other business.
Just because your business is online doesn’t mean you don’t have to keep the customer service top notch. Actually, it is usually even more important for internet businesses to pay particular attention to their customer service. Many of the sales in the Internet business realm are automated, so you never really think about what sort of customer service your should be offering, but this is a great arena in which you can separate yourself from the competition. It’s this little detail that will turn a one time buyer into a lifetime buyer.
Here are some tips and tricks that you can put into practice today.
It’s important to keep track of your clients if you offer a service. You can either create your own database or purchase software designed to manage your customer base. You want to keep track of the first and last names of your clients so that you are always able to address them appropriately. You might be interested to learn how much a little formality can do to improve your bottom line and keep customers coming back. Using a clients name is much better than simply starting out with “Hello there!”
Consider, especially if you are running a small serviced based internet business, allowing your customers to reach you by telephone or even through the regular post. It isn’t very costly to rent a mailing address such as a post office box. Many people also like to communicate with Skype, which doesn’t cost much to use. Between these two options, you have given yourself an offline identity, something that will endear you to your clients, especially if you answer your Skype calls when they come in.
You don’t have to be available 24/7; have set hours that you answer the phone, and make these public on your website. Just be sure to actually stay near your computer or telephone during these hours. This kind of personal interaction will probably help you do more business, as you can do a better job selling when you talk to someone directly. Read in-depth Senuke Review on Vita Vee’s interet marketing forum.
It is a good idea to offer freebies to your customers periodically. This doesn’t mean to send a free newsletter every few weeks, either. Say you write articles as a profession, why not send your client a free article based on something you know they are interested in? If your work by selling affiliate products, see if the affiliate company can offer anything free from their back office and then have them send out the products to the people that are on your list. They will appreciate the free things and will be more likely to buy from you again in the future! Good customer service does not have to be hard. Indeed, if you are doing it correctly it should not even take up very much of your time at all. When you take the extra ten or fifteen minutes you have in a day and devote it to customer service, you are assuring success with your business. Especially when those few additional minutes each day could mean hundreds or thousands of dollars in sales for your business. When you think about how easy it is to offer your customers a good buying experience, why aren’t you putting more effort into this? You will only benefit from it!