The Quality Of The Text For Customers.
Hi, I’ve read tons of articles closely connected with relationships between copywriters and customers. So here below I’d like to summarize all of this. I hope that my review will make some uncertain things clear to you.
I’m not going to talk about the degree of theme disclosure, truthfulness of the information provided and so on because from my point it’s a purely individual matter and I think that every copywriter is aware of what he actually writes. But what about those articles which seem to be written properly on a particular topic and contain valuable information and observations but they aren’t still sold.
In general, I’d liked to tell you a couple of words about the technique of writing articles. Perhaps there’s no need to remind about such an essential thing as spelling, but nevertheless a huge number of articles still bear an unforgivable number of spelling bugs referring to elementary school. I’m sure that customers are scrutinizing bought articles. It goes without saying that they are likely to forgive you for mistakes in complicated words such as exotic names for example. But most probably they won’t forgive you the misspelling of the word “life” for instance. So as follows from this you should pay much attention to your spelling if you don’t want to generate problems with your customers.
As for punctuation I should say that it’s a bit more complicated. Of course I believe that you can write well while being completely ignorant of punctuation. There’s no wonder about it because it’s a fairly frequent phenomenon as you know. By the way in this case text editors can be really helpful because they are able to detect mistakes. And paradoxically the evident lack of commas is less noticeable than their nasty abundance. So do not put a comma on the principle that it won’t be harmful in the text. And anyway, if you are not sure of the text structure and the correct punctuation then you should divide complicated elements into several parts.
Avoid the use of literary patterns in your articles. After all, customers are mostly experienced people and when ordering an article, they usually keep in mind several similar options. And when the resulting article begins with such platitudes like “I guess all of us once in your life …” then I don’t think that it’s going to be highly praised by your customer. Always reread your articles attentively to make sure that there aren’t such undesirable elements there. And of course, do not call the Christmas tree “green beauty” as well as oil “black gold” and a car the “iron horse”. Don’t forget that you aren’t a poet, you are just a copywriter. I really hope that your creative activity will be profitable and not difficult.
Nowadays economic recession has led to loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them refer to Internet as the way to make money. And this is a really unique chance to make one’s living. If you have no business idea or you are looking for something to start from, try article promotion.
If you are good at article writing, it can change into your regular job. Fortunately the online technologies offer many possibilities to earn. Make use of Google and other search engines to look for “submit articles“. You will discover many sites accepting and even paying for article submission.
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