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Tom Strignano Forex Systems: Where Did The Come From?

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For some time now I’ve been a student of professional Forex trader, Tom Strignano, and I think it is very important for others to know where his trading systems came from.   If you have seen any of Tom’s trading information before, you already know it is quite different than most of the information out there on Forex trading. The way Tom trades, and teaches other people to trade, is based off his personal experience as a bank trader.

Tom Strignano teaches Forex trading systems that have been 25 years in the making.  On a recent webinar, Tom said something that really got me thinking of what a great opportunity learning from someone with his experience really is.  His experience gives the traders he teaches a real ADVANTAGE over other traders.

During the webinar, Tom was reminiscing about his years as a bank trader and market maker.   Where he worked, he was not allowed to use customer orders to make his money. His trading decisions had to be independent and based off price action.

Why is Tom using price action to make his decisions important?

Because this forced Tom Strignano to come up with his own trading systems to use in order to meet his profit quota. These systems were created with the PERSPECTIVE of a bank trader… but without relying on any insider knowledge working for a bank might provide.  These trading systems need to work on their own.

Why are Tom’s trading systems important to you?

The Forex trading systems Tom Strignano used while working for a bank are applicable for home based traders. As a matter of fact, these are the same systems Tom uses today to extract profits from the currency markets.   Now, I’m not going to lie to you, Tom doesn’t reveal ALL of his trading methods.  However, Tom provides an unique opportunity to use the same trading methods used on the professional trading level where his job security was based on the performance of these systems.

Don’t be in such a hurry to start trading the new Forex trading system you just learned before you consider where the information comes from.  You “might” be able to learn profitable trading methods from free websites, books or a system a marketer is promoting.  But the sad truth is there is usually something important missing that keeps you from becoming the Forex trading success you dream of.

Forex trading has been around a lot longer than the Internet and the opportunity to trade online.   And real traders, like Tom Strignano, have been around for a long time trading real money and making real profits.  Doesn’t it make sense to learn from a REAL trader with real experience and a proven track record using trading systems they created and use themselves.

Tom Strignano in particular is very unique.  There are other professional traders who previously worked for banks, but not all of them were forced to create their own trading systems, or are willing to teach you their trading methods.  Tom had to create his own trading systems and he is willing to teach you what he knows works, which makes learning Tom Strignano’s Forex trading systems a tremendous opportunity.

To learn more about How Tom Strignano can help you become a successful Forex trader, please visit: The Forex Signals

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