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Trading Operations Through The Internet

Under Internet Marketing

To carry out trading operations through the Internet is not easy without especial permissions to this kind of activity. It is necessary to make only those papers which leave at fulfilment of usual commercial transactions. Special laws of the taxation of operations in the given sphere does not exist, all becomes, as in a usual life.
It is not necessary to forget that virtual commerce does not relieve you of responsibility. It is forbidden to break copyrights of the third parties if you are engaged in electronic trade. Any phrases, offers, advertising texts which are used by founders of a site, have the author. The given rule is observed on the basis of Law item 52 «About the copyright and the adjacent rights». Evasion from this law can result for payment property indemnification, sometimes considerable. In case of excess of material harm bringing to criminal liability is possible in view of illegal manufacturing of production in ten and more times of a free minimum of incomes.

Now representatives of law enforcement bodies pay especial attention to infringers of copyrights. The given bodies have a possibility of supervision over the information use not on the rights. But at present, it only small cases as such check demands technical equipment of the given structures. Infringement of copyrights and a spiteful competition are the basic legal risks in realisation of electronic commerce. That is the legislation and Internet shop should be inseparably linked. It is necessary to pay special attention on documentation registration on reception of the rights to objects of intellectual property. Otherwise you cannot protect the electronic business with the big efficiency. To struggle with a competition very difficult, occupies a lot of your precious time. But at the reasonable approach to this business to resist to a competition it is possible.

In other words, it is possible to draw a conclusion that electronic commerce can exist and any disorder at all and does not exist. It is necessary to approach to the decision of legal issues only competently.

It is erroneous to assume that the main thing in Internet shop creation is a working out of a resource effective and convenient for buyers. Here, as well as in any other business, the primary goal is to develop the effective business plan of Internet shop:

– What goods to sell;

– How to raise profitability;

– What financial investments are required for creation and maintenance of a necessary and steady infrastructure;

– Working out of the advertising program and the decision still many questions.
Thus, the Internet show-window is only one of many important elements of an infrastructure. For today the Internet shop is very profitable business. The quantity of constant users of a network the Internet promptly grows every day.

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