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Using Social Bookmarking As A Source of Website Traffic

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All online marketers are acutely aware of that targeted traffic is the lifeblood for their businesses.

There are so many different ways to acquire traffic, but surprisingly not all of them are long term solutions. When you think about it, when the whole ‘Web 2.0 thing’ hit the net it changed the way everything is done on the net. This was a new revolution altogether which made the Internet a highly social place, and made social bookmarking sites really popular. This overall development created massive communities and that created massive amounts of content. It didn’t take long at all for internet marketers to seize the traffic opportunity, and then they started submitting their own content. In time, as content and traffic increased to these sites, a circular process developed that continues to exist. So we’ll discuss more about this Web 2.0 phenomena and what you can do to use it in your own business.

A simple social bookmarking tip is to have the first paragraph of your article well written.

Your first paragraph can be a real work horse for you if you get it right. The headline and title need to do their jobs, of course, but the initial paragraph will determine if your article sinks or swims. Of course your article must be original and does all it can to command attention.

It’s really critical to write a great headline for your content because that’s what people initially read on these bookmarking sites. So of course it doesn’t really matter how great everything else is if your headline is bad. Another consequence is that your site will not be visited because readers will not get beyond the headline. We’re sure you also don’t want to throw away all that hard work just because your headlines are so bad, either. So do your self a favor and write headlines that are reasonable and good, preferably.

You can get a lot of bookmarks by finding others who want to get their pages bookmarks and swap bookmarks with them. If you look on a search engine, you can locate sites that bring people together for the purpose of swapping bookmarks. You can then make an offer to bookmark another person’s pages if they will do the same for you. You can acquire quite a few bookmarks using this strategy. However, you should keep in mind that this practice might not go well with all webmasters, so first of all make sure you’re comfortable about it yourself and then see to it that the people you approach are comfortable about it too.

You really can get tremendous exposure and great traffic to your sites using bookmarking resources. Never forget that your high quality content is the one thing that will take your farther with social bookmarking. The more you focus on making it better, the higher response you will receive. There will be other factors that determine your success, but what kind of articles you are bookmarking and how well they serve your target audience is the most vital of them all. In short, social bookmarking takes time to perfect but once you know how to leverage it; it can give you a regular stream of traffic.

Additional Resources:
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