Writing Articles For The Web.
Writing articles for posting on the web has several significant differences from writing articles for print media as you might have guessed. Most authors writing informational materials, such as for Internet and print media have their own style. This affects the use of vocabulary and sentence structure and in general it affects the method of presentation.
If the author writes materials for the Internet, it imposes some restrictions on the style and forms of its presentation. It goes without saying that writing articles just for interested audiences and for promotional purposes can’t be the same thing.
According to statistics, the perception of information from a computer monitor is approximately 25% worse than perception of the same information but in the printed form. In addition, the interactive environment forces the user to respond to visual stimulants constantly. It can be attributed to certain design elements and links in hypertext. It’s clear that saturation of such elements as well as their lack will be perceived equally badly. But at the same time their lack will increase the informative value. In such a way the impression of “mass media” is created.
Now let me get down to details because you need to adapt yourself to new requirements. Keep paragraphs of varying length, if your text requires scrolling. At the same time rely on the minimum resolution at which people are used to browsing. In this case it is much easier for your eyes to navigate in the text.
Try to write articles in such a way that people could understand the basic meaning of written articles from the very first lines, and in the sequel only the main idea should be highlighted. Do not forget about the peculiarities of how users focus on certain materials.
Highlight keywords any way because they convey the idea of the material. This requirement is not even optimized for search engines. It’s just a convenience and nothing else. Be literate, because the Internet isn’t worse than a credible newspaper or magazine with a great name. Being literate, in fact, means to be polite. I hope you understand that it’s a sign of respect for your readers.
The most interesting is that these rules were developed many, many years ago. It has long been observed that the best-selling authors use simple words and short sentences. It was advised long ago that authors of informational materials should divide the text into paragraphs no longer than 30-50 words. In fact, these rules were tested successfully in practice. As you can see, writing articles for the Web has its own peculiarities, and often skillfully written articles become popular. I hope that your articles will be popular on the net. Jump into this field with two feet. Good luck!
Today world crisis has led to loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them address to Internet as the way to earn money. And this is a truly unique opportunity to earn one’s living. If you have no business idea or you search for something to start from, try article distribution.
If you are good at article writing, it can change into your regular job. Luckily the Internet technologies offer many possibilities to earn. Make use of Google and other search engines to search for “article submission“. You will find many sites accepting and even paying for article submission.
Check out various social networks and forums and check topics which are related to this. It is also useful to sign up for the RSS on this blog because it will help to keep track of the latest news and opportunities regarding “article submit” topic. Don’t lose this chance to fight bad times.