You Can Make An Income On The Internet In Your Free Time At Home
Article Written By Rosemary Hoskins
Proud Member of Wealth Creations Network
When some corporations go out of business, others are moving their businesses out of state or overseas just to stay open for business. In either case, this eventually brings hardship to those who held jobs at those companies. Perhaps, you were the victim of a corporation who did just that in the above situation.
Some people will have to move out of state to keep their jobs, while others go on unemployment until they can find another other work. Now if you’ve ever went on unemployment, you know that does not come close to your regular paycheck.
If you are one of many looking for a way to make cash on you computer from home, there is a resolution to this dilemma that you may have fallen into by no fault of your own. The resolution – become an affiliate marketer.
An affiliate marketer is someone who sells other people’s goods. This is no different than a real estate broker, who represents more than one consumer or corporation.
As an affiliate marketer, you basically have three challenges to confront:
1.) You need to find out what the public is buying and sell it to them,
2.) You need to get targeted traffic to your product, and
3.) You need to sell enough goods so you can stay open for business.
Let’s look at each of these challenges and their resolutions.
How Do You Find Out What The Public Is Buying In Order To Sell It To Them?
Sign up for a free account at ClickBank, where you can pick and choose between thousands of products made by other internet marketers. Once logged in, click on the “marketplace” link at the top of your browser window. Choose a category from the left menu, and sort it by gravity.
You want to choose a category in which the first 3 products listed are rated at 100 or higher in gravity. This means that category is a hot seller at that time and you should have no problems selling any of the top 3 items listed. Make sure the goods you promote will net you at least $20 a sale. Get your promo link for the goods as explained at ClickBank.
How Do You Get Targeted Traffic To Your Item?
You can buy guaranteed visitors, but I do not propose that. I went that route and it was a waste of my hard earned money. I choose the free way to advertise. Why pay for traffic when you can get it for free? Here are some free ways to promote your merchandise: word of mouth, traffic exchanges, social media, video marketing, blogging, article marketing, banner advertising, forum posting, commenting on blogs, and link exchanges.
Out of all these, article marketing is by far the top free way to deliver targeted traffic to your merchandise. Do the task once, and reap the booty for monthss to come. You’ll write articles targeted towards the people who want the product you’re selling.
You can write one article and get it posted to at least 30 different blogs, each with a unique description of your article. This way you are never penalized by Google, which hates replicated content.
You can use a free program to submit your articles which will do you the favor of rejecting your articles if they are not up to standard. I say favor, because you want your name connected with well composed articles not something that reads as if it was just thrown together. With each article you write, you’ll have 4 links directing back to your product.
How Do You Get Enough Of Those Visitors To Buy So You Can Stay In Business?
How much extra money do you want to earn each month? Your response will determine the price of the product you choose to promote from ClickBank, and the amount of visitors that must buy your product. If you want to earn $500 dollars and the item you’re selling will net you $25 a sale, you will need to sell 20 of those $25 products.
Depending on the quantity of articles you compose, it may take you several weeks before you start to see a steady stream of targeted traffic to your product. If you can manage to write one article a day for 30 days, you’ll have a total of 30 articles written. But you’ll also have at least 30 versions of each article for a total of 900 unique articles with over 3600 back links to your product.
A back link is a link from another source that directs back to your product. Imagine if you could write 2, 3, 4, or even 5 articles a day? That’s 4500 distinctive articles and 18,000 back links to your product that will build your authority, eventually getting you on page one in the search engines, and selling enough items a month to keep you in business as an affiliate marketer.
Every business that is in open for business must do these three things, find a product to sell, get visitors to their product, and get enough sales. And they must do them soundly in order to stay in business. After all, what’s the sense in having a business with plenty of goods to sell that no one wants to buy? You could have one thousand people stopping by every day, but if no one wants what you’re selling, you generate nothing.
Do you want to learn more about the free program discussed in this article? Become a free affiliate of Wealth Creations Network, and you’ll learn how to make money online using the program. Get your free membership today and learn how to make money online fast the legitimate way.
Readers who are looking for information about the topic of free traffic, make sure to go to the website which was mentioned in this paragraph.