Your Approach To Writing Articles.
Hi, I’d like to tell you how you should write your articles. To be exact I’d like to tell you about the principle of the “inverted pyramid” in the hypertext space. I don’t doubt that this knowledge will give quite evident benefits.
At first you should give a brief summary allowing visitors to get an overview of the information contained on the page, even if they are not acquainted with all this information.
Then you need to move to the details gradually. The main thing is that the user can interrupt his reading at any time he likes and at the same time he might fail to be aware of what is discussed in this chapter.
Inside the “pyramid” the flow of information usually takes the following form. It’s based on a certain question which should be disclosed. There’s an introduction to the topic of the article. Then you should use 2-4 paragraphs which set out the question or topic in more detail. Then a
passage comes which connects the matters mentioned earlier. Then you should insert some additional information about the facts of the article as well as additional information on the history or future development of events.
There are other forms of creating your articles. For example this can be such a worthy thing as chronology. In this case having given the basic material you should describe things in the sequence they go one after another. You can create a sort of serial. After the bulk of your article you should divide the material into on sub-themes, and consider each one in turn. The ending should tie them into one solid entity.
You can present the material in the form of a typical example of life describing certain events. But do not make it too long, otherwise the reader may not pay attention to the rest. And what about such an exciting technique as suspension? In this case you should prepare a certain surprise for your readers. I mean that you should tell about what happened but at the same time your highlighting the results should be delayed to the last paragraph.
Try to use such a promising form as an essay. Here your goal is not only to give information, but also to share your experience with other people. The time factor is not as important as the personal or human problems. You have to draw a picture in the imagination of readers. Designate the central detail from the very beginning and develop it throughout the article. Around this central premise, create a network of your observations, anecdotes, analogies, examples, quotations and descriptions. But the idea should be clearly defined any way. By the way I use this form of essay very often. I’m sure that you’ll also like it.
Today world crisis has led to loss of jobs by many people. More and more of them address to Internet as the way to make money. And this is a really unique chance to earn one’s living. If you have no business idea or you need something to start from, try article promotion.
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