5 Ways To Make Money Marketing Online
Internet marketing for any product or program is a numbers game to a certain extent. You need eyeballs on your website. If you become good at getting traffic you can work at converting more of those visitors into sales and make more money.
Here are 5 ways to make money online and get more traffic!
1. Join 3-4 discussions forums. Be sure they are relevant to the theme of your business. Big-Boards.com is a website with many forums you can join. Create a good profile with a link to your website as many people who read your posts will check you out here.
You can also include a signature file that goes at the bottom of each message you comment on. This is how you advertise in discussion forums.
You Do Not promote anything in the message itself. When people see a good comment by you some of them will click on the link in your sig file. This is free traffic for you.
2. Do article marketing at a higher rate. Write and submit a lot of 400-500 word articles to alot of article directories. Many Internet marketers make the mistake of not thinking big enough when it comes to article marketing.
There is a lot of competition online and you need to step up the pace and get more articles out where readers and search engines can find them. If you create a good bio box, with a link to your website, you will get some real good quality traffic from article marketing.
3. Blog and social bookmark. You can take your longer articles from article marketing and rewrite them into shorter 200-250 word articles. Take those and post them in your blog.
Then use a bookmarking service such as Only Wire to bookmark your blog articles to social directories. This is another good source of traffic as well as search engine bait.
4. Search engine optimization. The amount of long term traffic that comes from ranking high on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing is unbelievable. You just need to target the right keywords in everything you do.
When you optimize web pages, blog posts, articles,forum posts, and so on the search engines begin to take notice. Over time you will see yourself climb up to page one for some really good keywords if you do it right.
5. Email marketing thru list building. You should have a sign up form on every web page you build. You should also let people subscribe to your RSS Feed on your blog via email. It will amaze you how much traffic and sales you can get from a good mailing list.
If you are interested in learning how to start a new career with an internet business, visit our website Today. You will receive free Internet marketing training and making money online in a down economy tips.