Internet Shop Creation “from Zero”: Items Of Expenses
Today the threshold for an input in online trade remains low. Operating participants of the market have told about structure of the basic expenses for a startup in the field of Internet trade.
“The list of purchases” for the Internet shop founder
On professionalism degree in preparation and project start is possible to allocate three approaches: budgetary, average and investment. As a rule, the choice of the approach also is defining for the general expenses for shop creation though the budgetary approach can mean a total sum of expenses at level $3000 – $5000, thus on an exit there will be a product below an average, the most part of money will leave on “experience acquisition about the Internet”.
At a house-keeper-variant the site can be created and by own strength by means of the designer of sites or to buy “template” on an open code which will manage all in $50. Truth in this case will not be any guarantees that the competitor did not use the same service-designer or the same template. In general site working out can cost from $500 to $2000. At creation of serious shop the site is required not idle time and with firm, recognized style – its working out in web studio costs from $300 and above.
Having virtual representation, it is necessary to get office and in real: at a budgetary variant the office can be simply in apartment of the beginning businessman. At more serious approach of the beginning seller will interest cost of rent of a premise which in Kiev on today to be broken a set from 120 grivnas to 500 grivnas. All depends on quality of a premise and its site. To the given expenses add payment for access services to the Internet, a telephony, utility bills.
Except rent actually office, the businessman should find a warehouse but to small traders a warehouse it cannot be demanded: the company-reseller of larger wholesale companies after the goods order in shop simply buys it in a wholesale warehouse and delivers to the client. At more serious approach it is necessary both a warehouse and a demo-area where the buyer can “feel” the goods.
Formation of warehouse stocks is one more important task for the businessman already at a preparation stage: 20 % of the goods provide 80 % of sales for what in a warehouse it is necessary to hold a stock of “best sellers” which it is possible to deliver to the buyer as soon as possible. Rash investments in warehouse stocks have ruined not one company.
Thus the goods assortment should be as much as possible wide but not necessarily presented on a warehouse “alive”. The most part of the goods can be virtual but only in the event that work with the supplier is correctly constructed: the assortment should be always actual and delivery from the supplier on a warehouse – fast.
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