Internet Shop Creation “from Zero”: The First Steps
On the Ukrainian Internet by various estimations, “live” from 8 to 16 million users. This audience meanwhile mainly is in ?ffline “is overstocked with goods.
It is possible to try to tempt such client base with virtual show-windows of own Internet shop. How many it is necessary to open shop in online of that it is necessary to be afraid and on what it is possible to earn on the Ukrainian Internet, edition found out from participants of the market.
To observe the quantity of successfully operating Internet shops is not so simple: according to the head of Association of participants of electronic business of Ukraine if the project hosting is paid the shop long enough can seem live. High “death rate” of such projects is quite explainable. Veterans of the market without arranging name a principal cause of failures naivety and impreparation of beginners to severe realities of Internet trade and also the overestimated expectations from the Internet.
Many do not understand that the Internet is only an information field which has opened new possibilities for a small-scale business. Consider that having created Internet shop at once it is possible to get profit without putting special efforts, and quickly are disappointed when it does not occur.
Lightness is only the beginning of all troubles, after all Internet trade in Ukraine is an area of the raised competition. And in an excited environment impreparation of the project leads to that “and buyers could not involve because are not familiar with Internet marketing and the site left such that the rare buyer can find there for something (result of economy on matches) and delivery limps”. In general, the situation a little differs from ?ffline when the seller of milk starts to trade in the real estate, without changing ways and tools.
In order not to waste time on trade in apartments under laws of the dairy bench, the beginning Internet businessman needs to imagine clearly perspective niches of the market, specificity of registration of such project, the general structure of expenses, the future recoupment, and also “reefs” of virtual trade, such as specificity of delivery, payment and behaviour of clients.
Places are not present?
What well is on sale in online? “As spoke about the Odessa supply – here it is possible to buy all from a needle to a gun. The same it is possible to tell now and about the Internet and many representatives of the market agree with it. At desire it is possible to find boats in online, yachts and other luxury goods. But if to take on the average on the second place stand books, films, games and other entertaining production, on the third – perfumery, gifts, the goods for children is in the lead. Portable electronics especially well “leaves”: phototechnics, laptops, mobile phones, a handheld computer.
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