Registration The Shop Internet
Advanced achievement in life of the businessman is development E-commerce – electronic commerce. What knowledge is necessary for possessing to do successful business in world “web”? Everybody knows that now the Internet became for us an inseparable particle. Today, more and more people prefer to be engaged in electronic commerce and to make purchases in virtual shops. But a unique obstacle of all of it is, as many consider, absence of legal grounds on activity realization. People are right or not – it is not known. And what key rules of the organization of business on the Internet? For example, whether Internet shop registration is necessary?
Electronic commerce is an enterprise activity with use of the newest technologies, for creation and profit increase. Enterprise activity on the Internet can be built through sale of the goods and services in virtual shops, use of contextual advertizing for attraction of a considerable quantity of clients etc. There are firms and private persons who are engaged in sale of the goods of any kind in a mode online. Also to E-commerce business in the currency market, a securities market, precious metals concerns. Electronic trade differs nothing from trading sphere in life. The relations arising at fulfillment of trading operations a little differs from the same civil or economic relations in usual life, of course, in the event that Internet shop registration has passed duly. In this case it is impossible to recede from the law «About protection of the rights of consumers». At times even businessmen do not understand that they are responsible before consumers and should be responsible for the actions the same as and in real life.
There are frequent cases of check from management on protection of the rights of consumers. One of important questions in realization of electronic commerce is the taxation. In case of conducting electronic business as the physical person, taxes are raised, being based on the Law «About the tax from incomes of physical persons». At present probably to pay the uniform tax which makes a maximum of 200 grivnas and it is paid if you are registered as the physical person. If the seller is the legal body the tax rate depends on such factors as the chosen system of the taxation, the status of the counterpart etc. Therefore is recommended to employ skilled bookkeepers or auditors.
Also it is necessary to find good firm on creation and service of your personal site. If the contract with this company it is necessary to provide transfer to you of copyrights. Besides it, it is necessary to remember necessity of registration of a domain name, reception of a hosting, the conclusion of the contract with the service provider of telecommunication in which to stipulate a subject of service and access possibility to a worldnet Internet.
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