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What Is Whitehat SEO

Under SEO

The biggest question that is asked by newer internet marketers visiting my internet marketing forum is what is SEO or what is whitehat SEO. Well this is not a question easily answered since the process of search engines optimization is one of great discussion. There really is no one answer for this question, but a brief description of the optimization process is when a webmaster from their websites creation until after completion works diligently to rank well within major search engines including bing, yahoo, and Google. Now if they ask what is whitehat SEO then a description of blackhat SEO will be necessary. These people want to know how to optimize their website for major search engines, but also want to optimize their website in such a way so they will not be banned. If you use blackhat SEO your website will more than likely be banned and usually rather quickly. There also rests many marketing techniques that are between the white and black lines which land in the grey areas. The best advice I could give those who are not sure whether or not the technique they are using is white or black stop doing it just to be safe.

Blackhat SEO is using techniques not thought well of by Google and other major search engines to rank well in their SERPs. If Google does not like the tactic and someone uses it for their website then they will see the website is trying to cheat them or fool them and the search engines will boot the website out of their index sharing no traffic with them. Some well known blackhat techniques which will get you banned quickly are keyword stuffing (repeating keywords in your title or content), cloaking (hiding text or links by changing the color to the same color as the background), and link farming (using websites whose sole purpose is to increase a websites backlink count). Link farming no longer will get you banned unless you own the link farm, but Google has figured out how to tell these websites from legitimate websites and do not rank them or count the backlinks coming from them in the SERPs.

Now whitehat SEO on the other hand is the complete opposite of black and should be the optimization techniques that you rely on when trying to rank your website well in the SERPs. Using whitehat SEO is how I make money online. If you get a website to the top of Google for a popular term then making money is quite easy. You should be using keywords during the creation of your website. If your website is about pizza then pizza should be in your title and throughout the content in your website. You should become familiar with meta tags and make sure that you fill out the main meta tags such as the title, keyword, and description for each sub page on your website. You should also be sure to have a navigation that rather than using generic link names uses the title for the page it is linking to. For example you should replace the “home” or “index” link in your navigation with your websites title. When it comes to link building one important point should remain clear if you want to succeed then you should build pages that people will want to link to. If you do this then once webmasters come across your website they will link to you automatically without being asked or wanting anything in return. If you liked this article and would like to read more like it visit this internet marketing blog.

Fetch important advice about one way links – make sure to study the web site. The times have come when concise info is really only one click of your mouse, use this possibility.

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